
Matilda or Lady Nelson @ Jervis Bay 1791?

Shoalhaven: | Aunty Julie Freeman | Berry's Frankenstein & Arawarra | Cullunghutti - Sacred Mountain | Death ... Arawarra, Berry & Shelley | First Nations research | Gooloo Creek, Conjola | Jervis Bay 1791 | Mickey of Ulladulla | Mount Gigenbullen | Byamee's Hands, Shoalhaven River | Ulladulla Mission | Words | Yams | Mathew Whitehead's Matilda off Currambene Creek [Jervis Bay] 1791 . 1. Introduction Early in February 2025 the writer was sent an image (illustrated above) of a modern painting titled Mathew Whitehead's Matilda off Currambene Creek 1791 . The sender [AC] queried whether the image was of the vessel Lady Nelson or the Matilda . This was a reasonable question, as the Lady Nelson is well known in the annals of early colonial period Australian history than the Matilda , of which no illustration is extant. The following article attempts to answer that question through delving into the history of...

Kangaroo Valley - aspects of Australian Indigenous cultural heritage

Shoalhaven: | Aunty Julie Freeman | Berry's Frankenstein & Arawarra | Cullunghutti - Sacred Mountain | Death ... Arawarra, Berry & Shelley | First Nations research | Gooloo Creek, Conjola | Kangaroo Valley | Mickey of Ulladulla | Mount Gigenbullen | Byamee's Hands, Shoalhaven River | Ulladulla Mission | Words | Yams | | Aborigines / Indigenous / First Nations archive | Contents Introduction Chronology & bibliography Dreaming stories pre European settlement post-Invasion Acknowledgements ---------------- 1. Introduction The following compilation of material was brought about through the writer's awareness of the work of Reconciliation Allies Kangaroo Valley (RAKV), a community group formed in 2021 comprising mostly Kangaroo Valley residents. It, along with the nearby Shoalhaven Walking Together Alliance , comprise a group of Indigenous and non-Indigenous Aus...

What is facism?

Politics: | Acolyte | Bill of Rights 2004 | COVID-19 | Elon Musk | Fascism | Media 2022 | MH370 | Parliament 2002-4 | Pauline Hanson cartoons | Raygun | Song of the South | Torture | Transgenderism | V for Vandetta | Wind farms | Woke | Women sports | Workplace relationships | 1. Introduction The words fascist and fascism are bandied around by political figures, commentators, academics and the media, but in many instances the public, including the present writer, do not know exactly what they are talking about or specifically referring to (there is a difference). There is no precise definition for fascism , and when it is raised one can be confused or think of the German Adolph Hitler's Nazi regime or Benito Mussolini's Italian fascist government in order to make sense of the accusation. The following article seeks to provide an idiot's guide to the phenomenon, both from its historical origins in the 1920s through to the present day (2025). -------...