Reverend W.B. Clarke - Father of Australian Geology - A Chronological Bibliography 1819-1994
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W.B. Clarke, circa 1839, Mitchell Library, Sydney. |
The following bibliography of the Reverend William Branwhite Clarke includes material issued in scientific journals from Britian, Europe and Australia, along with newspaper items and booklets published by Clarke during his lifetime.
Aust - The Australian, Sydney
JGS - Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London
JRS - Journal of the Royal Society of London
JRSNSW - Journal and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New South Wales, Sydney
MNH - The Annals and Magazine of Natural History, London
ML - Mitchell Library, Sydney
PGS - Proceedings of the Geological Society of London
PLSNSW - Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales, Sydney
SG - Sydney Gazette
SMH - Sydney Herald & Sydney Morning Herald
TGS - Transactions of the Geological Society of London
TRSNSW - Transactions of the Royal Society of New South Wales (1867-74)
TPRSNSW - Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New South Wales (1875)
TPRSV - Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria, Melbourne
V&PLC - New South Wales Legislative Council Votes & Proceedings
PLA - New South Wales Legislative Assembly Votes & Proceedings
Great Britain and Europe 1819 - 1839
Pompei. R. Deck, Ipswich, 1819, 28p. A Poem written for the Chancellor's gold medal competition at Cambridge. Author's inscribed copy at ML MSS139/9.
A Smuggler's Song. (Poem), n.p., 1820.
The London Magazine, London, 1820-8. Clarke wrote verses for this publication during the early 1820s.
Carmen Exequale. (Poem), n.p., 1821, 28pp.
THE RIVER DERWENT, PART THE FIRST; AND OTHER POEMS. Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme and Brown, London, 1822, xv, 111. ML MSS139/118/31. Reviews of this collection of poems are to be found in the Literary Register, 27 July 1822; The London Literary Gazette, 27 July 1822; Leeds Intelligence, 5 August 1822; and the Bristol Journal, 17 and 24 August 1822.
Address Written for the Anniversary Meeting of the Suffolk Pitt Club, on Thursday August the 21st 1823. N.p., 1823. Signed 'W.B. Clarke.'
Cambridge Quarterly Review and Academical Register, Cambridge, 1, March-July 1824. W.B. Clarke was the co-founder and co-editor of this journal, along with Dr. Dale, the Reverend William Trollope, and Mr. Torriano.
Geological Hammer. MNH, 1829, II, 247. The original article is signed and dated 'W.B. Clarke. East Bergholt, Suffolk, Nov. 24. 1828.' Includes a drawing of the hammer.
The Christian Remembrancer; or the Churchman's biblical, ecclesiastical, and literary miscellany, London, 1819-40. W.B. Clarke submitted various articles to this religious journal between 1828-38.
MITRE HYMN BOOK. N.p., 1828. W.B. Clarke was co-compiler and wrote a number of hymns for this publication.
New Monthly Journal, London, W.B. Clarke submitted various articles to this literary journal between 1828-38.
The Literary Gazette, London. W.B. Clarke submitted various articles to this literary journal between 1828-42.
LAYS OF LEISURE: A COLLECTION OF ORIGINAL AND TRANSLATED POEMS. Smith, Elder & Co., Cornhill, London, 1829, xii, 251. Copies at ML SC547, MSS119/118/19.
Conia parosa. MNH, 1830, III, 152. Signed and dated 'W.B. Clarke. East Bergholt, Suffolk, September 3. 1829.'
A very unusual Appearance in the Sky. MNH, 1830, III, 199-200. Signed and dated 'W.B. Clarke. East Bergholt, Oct. 5. 1829.' Based on observations taken on 10 July 1829 in the eastern sky at sunset, along the road between Quatre Bras and Namur, in Belgium.
Aetites or Eagle-stone. MNH, 1831, IV, 190-1. Signed and dated 'W.B. Clarke, East Bergholt, Suffolk, September 7. 1830.'
Snakes taking the Water. MNH, 1831, IV, 82. Signed and dated 'W.J. Clarke, East Bergholt, Suffolk, Sept. 13. 1830.'
Zoology: Hares taking the Water. MNH, 1831, IV, 143-4. Signed and dated 'W.B. Clarke, East Bergholt, Suffolk, Sept. 16. 1830.'
Anecdotes of a tame Hawk. MNH, London, 1831, IV, 19-20. Signed and dated 'W.B. Clarke, East Bergholt, Suffolk, September 21. 1830.'
Partridges and Moorhens (Notes from a Journal - 1826). MNH, London, 1831, IV, 91. Signed and dated 'W.B. Clarke. East Bergholt, Suffolk, Sept. 30. 1830.'
Lord's Island, Derwent Water. MNH, London, 1831, IV, 92. Signed and dated 'W.B. Clarke, East Bergholt, Suffolk, October 1. 1830.'
Common Sea-Gull. MNH, London, 1833, VI, 147-8. Signed and dated 'W.B. Clarke, East Bergholt, Suffolk, March 5. 1831.'
Hares taking the Water. MNH, London, 1832, V, 100-1. Signed and dated 'W.B. Clarke, Brussels, May 13. 1831.'
Hares taking the Water. MNH, London, 1832, V, 101. Signed and dated 'W.B.C. Brussels, Oct. 15. 1831.'
The very fragile Texture of the Limestone which forms the secondary Marble from the Meuse. MNH, 1833, VI, 76-8. Signed and dated 'W.B. Clarke, Parkstone, Dorset, Sept. 6. 1832.'
Geology - The Red Sandstone along the Meuse is merely the Rubbish cast up from the Limestone. MNH, 1833, VI, 368. Signed and dated 'W.B. Clarke, Parkstone, near Poole, Sept. 8. 1832.'
A Notice of the Effects of Wind on Trees growing on the Coast near Poole, Dorsetshire. MNH, 1833, VI, 547-50. Signed 'Rev. W.B. Clarke, Parkstone, near Poole, Dorsetshire, September 13. 1832.'
Posthumous Hares. MNH, 1833, VI, 365. Signed and dated 'W.B. Clarke, Parkstone, near Poole, Sept. 28. 1832.'
Fungus on the Bill of a Hedge Sparrow (Accentor modularis, Cuvier). MNH, 1833, VI, 153-4. Signed and dated 'W.B. Clarke, Parkstone, near Poole, Dorsetshire, Dec. 21. 1832.'
Singular Subsidence in the Chalk. MNH, 1833, VI, 180-2. Signed and dated 'W.B. Clarke, Parkstone, near Poole, Dec 22. 1832.'
Chalk in Belgium. MNH, 1833, VI, 460. Article signed and dated 'W.B. Clarke, Parkstone, Jan 9. 1833.'
Is Pitchstone found in Scotland? MNH, 1833, VI, 191-2. Comments, signed and dated 'W.B.C., Feb. 2, 1833.'
Locality for a Kingfisher. MNH, 1833, VI, 150. Signed and dated 'W.B. Clarke, Parkstone, Feb. 4. 1833.'
Meteorology - Mildness of the Present Season, at Parkstone, near Poole, Dorsetshire. MNH, 1833, VI, 157-8. Article signed and dated 'W.B. Clarke, Parkstone, Dorset, Feb. 5. 1833.'
Geology - The Lava of Neidermennig, employed for Millstones by the Romans, found in Fragments in England. MNH, 1833, VI, 460-2, Article signed and dated 'W.B. Clarke, Parkstone, May 21. 1833.'
Remarks on some Statements respecting the Inland Seas of Southern Europe. MNH, 1833, VI, 477-80. Article signed and dated 'W.B. Clarke, Parkstone, May 23. 1833.'
An Ore which acquires a white Incrustation. MNH, 1833, VI, 480. Signed and dated 'W.B.C. Parkstone, May 31. 1833.'
On Certain recent Meteoric Phenomena, Vicissitudes in the Seasons, and prevalent Disorders, contemporaneous, and in supposed connection, with Volcanic Emanations. (Part 1). MNH, 1833, VI, 289-308. Signed and dated 'W.B. Clarke. Parkstone, May 11. 1833', with a postscript 'W.B.C. Parkstone, June 17. 1833.' This was Clarke's first substantial paper for the Magazine of Natural History, and was issued in 7 parts plus supplement during 1833-5.
Birds' Nests in Singular Places. MNH, 1833, VI, 523-4. Signed 'W.B. Clarke, Parkstone.'
A Snow Bunting's nest in the Skull of an Esquimaux. MNH, 1833, VI, 524. Signed and dated 'W.B. Clarke. Parkstone, July. 1833.'
Review of Le Comte de Bylandt: RESUME PRELIMINAIRE DE L'OUVRAGE SUR LA THEORIE DES VOLCANOS. pp.50. Naples 1833. MNH, 1834, VII, 83-8. Signed 'W.B.C.'
Gooseberry-eating Dogs. MNH, 1834, VII, 137-9. Article signed and dated 'W.B. Clarke. Stanley Green Cottage, near Poole, July 2. 1833.'
A few Words on Cats. MNH, 1834, VII, 139-41. Article signed and dated 'W.B. Clarke. Parkstone, near Poole, Dec. 18. 1832', with a postscript 'W.B.C. August 1833.'
A Ferrugenous Duck or Ruddy Goose. MNH, 1834, VII, 151. Signed 'W.B.C.'
The Fern Owl, its Time of Migration. MNH, 1834, VII, 156. Article signed and dated 'Stanley Green Cottage, near Poole, 24 August. 1833.'
One of the Habitats of the Fern Owl, or Night Jar. MNH, 1834, VII, 156. Article dated '12 September, 1833.'
Hymn to be Sung at the Consecration of Longfleet Church on Wednesday, 25th September 1833, Lankester Printer, Poole, 1p. Signed 'W.B.C.'
Remarks on some Barnacles of the Species Lipas anatifera found floating off St Adhelm's Head, on the Coast of Dorset, on February 7, 1834. MNH, 1835, VIII, 55-9. Article dated 'Stanley Green, Poole, Feb. 10. 1834.'
On certain recent Meteoric Phenomena, Vicissitudes in the Seasons, prevalent Disorders, &c., contemporaneous, and in supposed connection, with Volcanic Emanations. No.2. MNH, 1834, VII, 193-202. Article signed and dated 'W.B. Clarke. Stanley Green, near Poole, Dorset, March 4. 1834.'
Ruskin, J.R. and Clarke, W.B., 1834. Enquiries on the Causes of the Colour of the Water of the Rhine; by J.R. [John Ruskin]: with Remarks, in Contribution to an Answer; by the Rev. W.B. Clarke, A.M. F.G.S. MNH, VII, 438-42. Remarks signed and dated 'W.B. Clarke. Stanley Green, April 3. 1834.'
A Notice of Exotic Localities of the Glowworm. A Question on the Kind of a certain Exotic Species of Luminous Insect. MNH, 1836, IX, 487. Article signed and dated 'W.B. Clarke. Stanley Green, May 10. 1834.'
On certain recent Meteoric Phenomena, Vicissitudes in the Seasons, prevalent Disorders, &c., contemporaneous, and in supposed connection, with Volcanic Emanations. No.3. MNH, 1834, VII, 289-309. Signed and dated 'W.B. Clarke. Stanley Green, May 16. 1834.'
Causes of the Colour of the Water of the Rhone and Rhine. MNH, 1834, VII, 442-3. Signed and dated 'W.B. Clarke. Stanley Green, Aug. 8. 1834.'
On the Meteors seen in America on the Night of Nov. 13. 1833. By the Rev. W.B. Clarke, A.M. F.G.S. (A Supplement to Mr. Clarke's Essay, No.3., in p.289-308.,
On certain recent Meteoric Phenomena, Vicissitudes in the Seasons, prevalent Disorders, &c., contemporaneous, and in supposed connection, with Volcanic Emanations). MNH, 1834, VII, 385-90. Dated 'Stanley Green, August 9. 1834.'
On certain recent Meteoric Phenomena, Vicissitudes in the Seasons, prevalent Disorders, &c., contemporaneous, and in supposed connection, with Volcanic Emanations. No.4. MNH, 1834, VII, 609-30. Article dated 'Clifton, Oct. 13. 1834.'
Ruskin, J.R. and Clarke, W.B., 1834. Facts and Considerations on the Strata of Mont Blanc; and on some Instances of Twisted Strata observable in Switzerland; by J.R. [John Ruskin]: with Remarks thereon, by the Rev. W.B. Clarke, A.M., F.G.S., &c. MNH, VII, 645-54. Contains numerous geological drawings.
A Postscript to Mr Clarke's Communication, ending in p.630 - The appearing of Meteors in November, in different Years (p.386, 387). An Instance for 1834. MNH, 1834, VII, 654-5. Signed 'W.B. Clarke.'
On certain recent Meteoric Phenomena, Vicissitudes in the Seasons, prevalent Disorders, &c., contemporaneous, and in supposed connection, with Volcanic Emanations. No.5. MNH, 1835, VIII, 1-28. Article dated 'Stanley Green, Nov. 1834.'
Migration of the Cuckoo. MNH, 1835, VIII, 301. Article signed and dated 'W.B. Clarke. Stanley Green, near Poole, Dorsetshire, Dec. 6. 1834.'
Remarks on the Deposition of Salt in the Mediterranean Sea. MNH, 1835, VIII, 225-6. Article dated 'Stanley Green, near Poole, Dorsetshire, Dec. 15. 1834.'
On certain recent Meteoric Phenomena, Vicissitudes in the Seasons, prevalent Disorders, &c., contemporaneous, and in supposed connection, with Volcanic Emanations. No.6. MNH, 1835, VIII, 129-61. Article dated 'Stanley Green, near Poole, Dec. 31. 1834.'
Impromtu, on being told that the Privy Councillors of P... have refused to allow the Magistrates to hold their Sittings in the Council Room, Poole. N.p., [1834], Pamphlet.
Instances of the Effects of Forest Vegetation on Climate. MNH, 1835, VIII, 475-82. Article dated 'Stanley Green, May 14. 1835.' Refer also Journal of the Royal Society of New South Wales (1876) for an updated and expanded version of this paper.
Nitizen Aus dem Gebiete der Nature und Heilkunde. Notizen, 1835, XLVI, 161-8. A German edition of Clarke's paper of 14 May on 'Instances of the Effects of Forest Vegetation on Climate.'
The Pied Wagtail is the Foster-parent of the Cuckoo, perhaps more frequently than in any other Species of Bird. MNH, 1835, VIII, 381-2. Signed and dated 'W.B. Clarke. Stanley Green, near Poole, Dorsetshire, June 18. 1835.'
On certain recent Meteoric Phenomena, Vicissitudes in the Seasons, prevalent Disorders, &c., contemporaneous, and in supposed connection, with Volcanic Emanations. No.7. MNH, 1835, VIII, 417-53. Includes comments from various writers. Dated 'Stanley Green, June 18. 1835.' with a PS dated 'July 10. 1835.'
Notices of Facts in Application to the Question of the Occurrence of an extraordinary Display of the Meteors every Year, on about Nov. 13; and on Displays of Aurora on Nov. 17, 18-19, 1835. MNH, 1836, IX, 29-30. Article dated 'Stanley Green, Nov.19. 1835', with an addition dated 'Stanley Green, Dorsetshire, Nov.28. 1835.'
On Earthquakes at Phillipi. N.p., 1835. Referred to in the Sydney Mail 13 July 1872 list, though article not located.
Additional Remarks on Lepas anatifera. MNH, 1836, IX, 638-40. Article dated 'Stanley Green, Oct.22. 1836.' Refer also article of 10 February 1834.
Note on a Cruise off Cherbourg - Sept. 1836. MNH, 1836, IX, 641-2. Article signed and dated 'W.B. Clarke, Stanley Green, Oct.24. 1836.'
On two springs on the north side of Hale's Bay, Poole Harbour. Journal of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, London, 1836, 94.
Geology in Reference to Natural Theology. N.p., 1836. Article referred to in Clarke's 1872 list of publications. Not located.
Statement of Facts, in reply to a Letter addressed by "John Sydneham, Jun., to the Rev. W.B. Clarke, A.M., Minister of St Mary's, Longfleet, Lankester Printer, High St, Poole, 1p. Signed and dated 'W.B. Clarke, February 15th, 1837.'
On the Geological Structure and Phenomena of Suffolk, and its physical relations with Norfolk and Essex. PGS, 1838, II(50), 528-34; TGS, 1840, V, 359-84. Read by Clarke on 18 January and 8 March 1837.
Notice of a singular electrical Phenomena on the Night of Feb. 18. 1837. [Read at the Meteorological Society, March 14. 1837.] MNH, 1837, New Series, I, 220-1. Article dated 'Stanley Green, near Poole, Feb. 21. 1837.'
Examples of Natural Phenomena observed in 1833, and registered. MNH, 1837, New Series, I, 229-34. Article dated 'Stanley Green, April 11. 1837.' Signs of Spring, 1837. MNH, 1837, New Series, I, 279. Article signed and dated 'W.B. Clarke. Stanley Green, April 19. 1837.'
Illustrations of the Geology of the South-east of Dorsetshire. No.1. The vertical and curved Chalk Strata of Ballard Head, near Sandwich. MNH, 1837, New Series, I, 414-21. Includes geological drawings and sections.
On the Geological Structure and Phenomena of the Northern Part of the Cotantin, and particularly of the immediate Vicinity of Cherbourg [1837]. PGS, 1838, II(48), 454-5. Read on 21 April 1837.
Illustrations of the Geology of the South-east of Dorsetshire. MNH, 1837, New Series, I, 461-9. Article dated 'Stanley Green, near Poole, April 26. 1837.' Includes geological drawings and sections.
Meteorological Errors in Vol.VIII. p446. MNH, 1837, New Series, I, 556-7. Article signed and dated 'W,B. Clarke. Stanley Green, August 1. 1837.'
Notes of Observations made on the Night of Nov. 12, 1837. (Read at the Meteorological Society). MNH, 1837, New Series, I, 633-5. Article dated 'Stanley Green, Nov. 15. 1837.'
Illustrations of the Geology of the South East of Dorsetshire. No.II. On the Strata between Durlstone Head and Old Harry Rocks. MNH, 1838, New Series, II, 79-88. Includes geological drawings and sections.
Illustrations of the Geology of the South East of Dorsetshire. MNH, 1838, New Series, II, 128-36. Article dated 'Stanley Green, 5th Dec. 1837.' Includes geological drawings and sections.
On the Phenomena exhibited by the Plastic Clay Formation in the vicinity of Poole, Dorsetshire. Journal of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, London, 1837, 93-4.
On the Red Water of Edom. N.p., 1837. Article referred to in 1872 list of publications. Not located.
The Peat Bogs and Submarine Forests of Bournemouth, Hampshire, and in the neighbourhood of Poole, Dorsetshire. PGS, 1838, II(54), 599-601.
Note on the Crag Beds of Suffolk and Essex. MNH, 1838, New Series, II, 162-3. Article signed and dated 'W.B. Clarke. Stanley Green, near Poole, Feb. 8th. 1838.' Includes editorial comment.
Letter from the Rev. W.B. Clarke, in reference to the alleged occurrence of the bone of terrestrial Mammalia in the red and corralline Crag of Suffolk. MNH, 1838, New Series, II, 224-5. Letter signed and dated 'W.B. Clarke. Stanley Green, March 1st. 1838.'
Letter from The Rev. W.B. Clarke, on the Non-Identity of Suffolk Diluvium and Crag. MNH, 1838, New Series, II, 285. Letter signed and dated 'W.B. Clarke. Stanley Green, April 10th. 1838.'
On the State of Geological Knowledge. N.p., October 1838. Text of a lecture delivered to the Literary and Scientific Institute, Blanford. Article referred to in 1872 list of publications. Not located.
Illustrations of the Geology of the South East of Dorsetshire. No.III. Studland. MNH, 1839, New Series, III, 390-401. Includes a map, plus geological drawings and sections.
Illustrations of the Geology of the South East of Dorsetshire. MNH, 1839, New Series, III, 432-8. Includes geological drawings and sections.
Illustrations of the Geology of the South East of Dorsetshire. MNH, 1839, New Series, III, 483-9. Includes geological drawings and sections. Signed 'Presteigne, Radnorshire.'
Notices of the gales of November 29, and Christmas Day 1836, and of November 29, 1837. Transactions of the Meteorological Society, London, 1839, I, 91-2.
A notice of showers of ashes which fell on board the Roxburgh, at sea off the Cape de Verd islands, February 1839 [Abstract]. PGS, 1842, III(65), 145-6. Read to the Society on 6 November 1839.
Australia 1839 - 1851
King's School, Parramatta: Prospectus, Tegg & Co., Sydney, 1839, 4p. Contains testimonials to the Reverend W.B. Clarke upon his appointment as Headmaster around July 1839, plus a selected list of his English publications., especially those relating to matters of religious education.
Popish Oaths. SG, 10 August 1839. Letter to the editor, signed and dated 'Latimer. 8th August 1839.'
Anon. Parramatta Anniversary Meeting. SG, 20 August 1839. Report on the meeting of the Parramatta District Committee of the Society for Promotion of Christian Knowledge, at which W.B. Clarke was present.
Dr. Ullathorne and Dr. Murray. SG, 29 August 1839. Letter to the editor, signed 'Latimer. August 22, 1839.'
Australia. Literary Gazette, London, 20 February 1841, 119-22. Copy of a letter from Clarke to Sir Roderick Murchison. Includes a criticism of P.E. de Strzelecki and his claimed discovery of Gippsland. Letter dated 'Parramatta, New South Wales, 14th August, 1840.'
A Christmas Offering. Sydney, December 1840. Copy of a sermon delivered to W.B. Clarke's Dural parishioners, pleading for funds to build a church.
Anon. Parramatta - The Church. SG, 2 February 1841. Editorial calling for the building of a church at north Parramatta and the installation of the Rev. W.B. Clarke as its incumbent.
Earthquake. SMH, 9 February 1841. Letter to the editor, signed and dated 'W.B. Clarke. Parramatta, 2nd Feb., 1841.' See also under 1868 for a summary account of earthquake activity in Australia. Parramatta - The Church. SG, 9 February 1841. Letter to the editor, signed and dated 'G.B. Clarke.
Parramatta, 4th Feb. 1841.' Reply to the editorial of 2 February. See also editorial comment on page 2 of this issue.
Anon. The Rev. W.B. Clarke A.M. SG, 9 February 1841. Editorial comment, welcoming Clarke's contribution to the Sydney Gazette.
On the Geological Phenomena in the Vicinity of Cape Town, Southern Africa. Athenaeum, London, October 1841 [Abstract]; PGS, 1842, III, 418-23; Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science, Supplementary Number, January 1842; Polytechnic Journal, 1842 [Abstract]; SMH, 25 June 1842. Read at the Geological Society of London on 21 April 1841. Clarke had visited Cape Town briefly in March - April 1839 whilst en route to New South Wales.
THE LOGIC OF THE TIMES. Sydney, 1841. A compilation of sermons delivered by the Rev. W.B. Clarke - reviewed in the SMH June 1841, & SG, 14 June 1841.
The Sabbath Bill. SMH, 22 & 24 June 1841. Lead articles, unsigned.
The Sabbath Observance Report. SMH, 21 August 1841. Lead article, unsigned.
Australian Mining Company. SMH, 24 September 1841. Letter to the editor, signed and dated 'Carbonarius, Barangara, September 17.' Discusses conformability of coal seams located at depth at Concord, near Parramatta.
Review - The Tasmanian Journal of Natural Science, Agriculture, Statistics, &c. SMH, 7 October & 16 November, 1841.
Anon. Colonial Education. SMH, October -November 1841. Series of letters to the editor discussing aspects of colonial education and the merits of a university degree. Signed 'Parsus Australis' (15 October, 25 October, 3 November), 'Philomath' (29 October), 'Oxford Bachelor (1 November), and 'Benedict' (18 November). Clarke is possibly one of the correspondents, namely 'Parsus Australis', though this remains unclear.
The Legitimate Objects and Benefits of Natural History and Science - The Rev. W.B. Clarke's Lecture at the New Grammar School. SMH, 23 October 1841.
Tornado at Parramatta. SMH, 24 December 1841. Letter to the editor, signed 'W.B. Clarke. Parramatta, December 21, 1841.' See also ML MSS139/99 for original data.
Anon. Report of the Church of England Clerical Book Society 1841; together with the opening Address (by W.G. Broughton). Sydney, 1841. Clarke was one of the founders of this society and possibly the editor of this report.
On the Occurrence of Atmospheric deposits of Dust and Ashes, with remarks on the Drift Pumice of the Coasts of New Holland. Tasmanian Journal of Natural Science, Hobart, 1842, I(V), 321-41.
On falls of dust or sand on vessels traversing the Atlantic. Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal, XXXII, 1842, 134-6.
Tornado of December 21, 1841. SMH, 10 January 1842. Letter to the editor, signed 'W.B. Clarke, Parramatta, Jan. 6, 1842.'
Meteorology as applicable to Australia, Nos. 1-20. SMH, 15 January - 17 June 1842. These articles were all published anonymously, and though unsigned, they are referred to in the 1872 list of Clarke's publications and in his 1864 lecture 'Remarks on Australian Storms.' They usually appeared as leads: 1 (15 January), 2 (22 January), 3 (7 February), 4 (12 February), 5 (1 March), 6 (7 March), 7 (11 March), 8 (7 April), 9 (14 April), 10 (16 April), 11 (22 April), 12 (26 April), 13 (30 April), 14 (6 May), 15 (16 May), 16 (24 May), 17 (3 June), 18 (13 June), 19 (15 June), 20 (17 June).
Anon. The Wonders at Parramatta. Australasian Chronicle, 18 January 1842. Letter to the editor, signed 'An Observer', criticising Clarke's first SMH Meteorology article.
The Rev. Mr Clarke's reply to "Observer". Australasian Chronicle, 22 January 1842. Letter to the editor, signed and dated 'W.B. Clarke Parramatta, 20th January, 1842.'
Murchison, R.I., 1842. Presidential Address. PGS, III, 645. Delivered on 18 February 1842. Briefly refers to Clarke's geological investigations in Australia. See also SMH 6 April 1843 where Clarke makes reference to it.
Notitiae Australasianae. A series of review articles published anonymously by W.B. Clarke appeared under this general heading within the Sydney Morning Herald between June and September 1842. They are described individually below:
Review of articles from the Annals and Magazine of Natural History, Nos. 50 & 51. Including 1. Notice of a new genus of mammalia, Antechinus Stuartii, by J. Stuart; and 2. Sponges. SMH, 14 June 1842.
Review of the Tasmanian Journal of Natural Science, Vol.1, No.III. Including 3. On Irrigation in Tasmania, by Captain A.F. Cotton. SMH, 24 June 1842.
Review of the Tasmanian Journal of Natural Science, Vol.1, No.III. Including 4. Varieties of Australasian Coal, by P.E. de Strezelecki. SMH, 27 June 1842.
Review of MONOGRAPH OF THE MACROPODIAE, OR FAMILY OF KANGAROOS, by John Gould. SMH, 4 & 16 July 1842. In 2 parts. Includes a plea for the donation of specimens to the Australian Museum, and consideration of possible future extinction of certain species.
Survey of New South Wales. SMH, 23 August 1842. Lead article, unsigned. Being a defence of T.L. Mitchell's surveying work in the Colony, following on recent criticisms by Governor Gipps. Also includes a copy of Mitchell's 1833 article 'On the Trigonometrical Survey of New South Wales'. See also Phillip Parker King's letter to the newspaper of 27 August 1842.
Review of the JOURNALS OF TWO EXPEDITIONS OF DISCOVERY IN NORTH-WEST AND WESTERN AUSTRALIA, by George Grey. SMH. In 5 parts: 1 (29 August); 2 (31 August 1842); 3 (15 September); 4 - Origin of the Aborigines (20 September); 5 (23 September).
Supply of Water. SMH, 26 July & 5 August 1842. Lead articles, unsigned. Refer ML MSS139/99. The second article includes meteorological data from Bulli, compiled by Captain R.M. Westmacott - refer ML MSS139/94.
Post Office. SMH, 29 August 1842. Lead article, unsigned.
On a Fossil Pine Forest at Kurrur-Kurran, in the inlet of Awaaba [Lake Macquarie], East Coast of Australia. PGS, 1843, IV(I), 161-4 [Abstract]; The Sydney Weekly Register, 1845, V(107), 68-9; Annual Report of the Department of Mines of N.S.W. for the Year 1884, Sydney, 1885, 156-9 plus map and figures. Original article signed and dated 'W.B. Clarke. Parramatta, 29th August 1842.'
Mr a'Beckett's Lecture. Temperature of Boiling Water. SMH, 12 September 1842. Letter to the editor, signed 'C. September 2, 1842.' See also a'Beckett's reply of the 16th.
Temperature of Boiling Water. SMH, 23 & 24 September 1842. Two letters to the editor,signed 'C. September 17, 1842' and 'C. September 23, 1842.'
Fossil Bones, Nos. I-VI. SMH, 8 October 1842 - 2 January 1843. Unsigned, though referred to in the 1872 list of publications. Published as follows: I (8 October); II (19 October); III (26 October); IV (11 November); V (19 November); VI (9 December); Addenda (2 January 1843).
Meteorology - Spring Equinox 1842. SMH, 13 October 1842. Signed 'W.B.C.'
The Ancient and Present Condition of the River Drainage of New South Wales. SMH, 12 December 1842 & 3 January 1843. Lead articles, unsigned.
Comets. SMH, 9 March 1843. Unsigned. A summary history of comets. See also 19 October 1858 for an updated version, and SMH 24 March 1843 for a paper on 'Ancient Theories of Comets' by Robin Goodfellow.
Notes of Observations on the Great Comet of March. Proceedings of the Royal Astronomical Society, London, 1843.
Progress of Scientific Enquiry in Australasia. SMH, 6 April 1843. First reference to the discovery of trilobites in New South Wales. See also 29 May 1846 below.
Church Book Society - W.B. Clarke's First Lecture on Geology. SMH, 7 April 1843. Delivered at St James' Grammar School on Tuesday 4th. Clarke delivered the remaining lectures on 'The Physical Constitution of the Earth' on 23 August, 5 September, and 20 September.
Anon. New Church on the North Shore. SMH, 15 June 1843. Report on Clarke's appointment as pastor of the new church to be built at St Leonards, and the laying of the foundation stone.
Cumberland Election Debate. SMH, 13 July 1843. Letter to the editor, signed 'W.B. Clarke.'
Meteorology. Temperature at Parramatta, from 17th to 21st November 1843. SMH, 27 November 1843. Letter to the editor, signed and dated 'W.B.C. Parramatta, Nov. 22, 1843.'
Meteorology. Temperature at Parramatta, from 17th to 21st November. SMH, 30 November 1843. Letter to the editor, signed and dated 'W.B.C. Parramatta, Nov. 27, 1843.'
Meteorology. Mean Mensual Temperatures indicated by external Barometer, Macquarie-street, Parramatta, from 1st December 1842, to 30th November 1843, both inclusive. SMH, 4 December 1843. Signed and dated 'W.B.C. Parramatta, 1st December.'
Anon. Museum Curatorship. SMH, 28 December 1843. Report on a petition from W.B. Clarke presented to the Legislative Council by Dr Nicholson.
{Clarke wrote lead articles solely for The Australian during this year, breaking his ties with the Sydney Morning Herald, though he returned in 1845 as co-editor of contributions}
Australian Museum. SMH, 4 January 1844. Letter to the editor detailing recent acquisitions. Signed and dated 'W.B. Clarke. Parramatta, January 1.'
Notes on the gyratory storms of Sunday, January 14, 1844, as observed at Dooral. The Australian, 23 January 1844. Signed 'W.B.C. Parramatta, 15th January 1844.'
The Late Storm. The Australian, 25 January 1844. Signed and dated 'W.B.C. January 22, 1844.' See also similarly titled letter to the editor of 30 January 1844, signed 'G.N.' which is critical of Clarke.
Australian Museum. SMH, 26 January 1844. Signed and dated 'W.B. Clarke, Parramatta, January 15, 1844.'
High-ways and By-ways. The Australian, 15 February 1844. Unsigned.
Anon. Report on Rev. Clarke's fall from a horse. SMH, 1 March 1844. Clarke sustained serious head injuries as a result of this incident.
H.M. Ship Fly. The Australian, 26 March 1844. Unsigned.
Roads. The Australian. Unsigned. In three parts, as follows: 1 (28 March); 2 (9 April); 3 (26 April 1844).
Free Traders and Malthusian Philosophers. The Australian, 2 April 1844.
The Tractarians and their Sydney Advocates. The Australian, 4 April 1844. Unsigned.
Dr. Pusey and his Sydney Reviewers. The Australian, 5 April 1844. Unsigned.
United States Exploring Expedition. Aust, 18, 20 & 24 April 1844. Unsigned. A review of the work of Captain Wilkes' expedition of 1838-42, members of which party Clarke had met at Sydney during 1839-40. These articles are rather critical of the exploration and scientific work of the Expedition and the motives of its instigators.
English Notions of Australia. The Australian, 4, 7, 10 & 15 May 1844. Review of Rev. W. Pridden's AUSTRALIA, ITS HISTORY AND PRESENT CONDITION. Unsigned. In four parts.
Colonial Emigration. The Australian, 25, 27 & 28 May 1844. Unsigned. In three parts.
Murchison, R.I., 1844. Presidential Address. Transactions of the Royal Geographical Society, London, XIV, xcix-c. Read on 27 May. Includes a comparison of the geology of Russia and Australia, and comments on information supplied by P.E. de Strzelecki. This address was to form the basis for Murchison's later claim as scientific discoverer of gold in Australia, a claim which Clarke refuted. Refer Stafford (1988).
Police Protection. The Australian, 3 June 1844. Unsigned.
The "Chronicle" and the Aborigines. The Australian, 13 June 1844. Unsigned.
Anon. Testimony in Respect for Mr Justice Burton. SMH, 21 June 1844. Includes a report on Clarke's speech.
Popular Education in New South Wales. The Australian, 4 & 11 July 1844. Unsigned, in two parts.
Exploration of New Holland. The Australian, 9 & 17 July 1844. Unsigned, in two parts.
Progress of Internal Discovery - Dr Leichhardt's Expedition to Port Essington. The Australian, 25 July 1844.
Mr Macarthur's Treatise on The Culture of the Vine, and the Manufacture of Wine. The Australian, 18 July 1844. Unsigned. Review of LETTERS ON THE CULTURE OF THE VINE, by Maro [William Macarthur].
The Botanic Garden. The Australian, 31 July 1844. Unsigned.
The Roads of the Colony. The Australian, 1 August 1844.
The Injurious Effects of Hail on the Vine. The Australian, 6 & 13 August 1844. Unsigned. In two parts.
Progress of Internal Discovery. The Australian, 14 August 1844.
Paragreles, or Hail Guards. The Australian, 23 August 1844. Unsigned - referred to in the 1872 list of publications.
Anon. Education on the Principles of the Church of England. SMH, 4 & 10 September 1844. Report on public meetings held on 2nd & 9th. Includes a summary of Clarke's speech at the latter meeting.
Anon. Report on Clarke's attendance at meeting of the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. SMH, 7 September 1844.
Ross, Rev. R. [Untitled]. SMH, 11 September 1844. Letter to the editor in reply to Clarke's personal comments regarding the Rev. Ross made at the education meeting referred to in the SMH of 10 September 1844.
[Untitled]. Letter in reply to Dr. Ross. SMH, 12 September 1844. Signed and dated 'W.B. Clarke. Parramatta, September 11.'
Anon. St Leonard's Church, North Shore. The Australian, 2, 3, 10 & c.20 December 1844. Signed 'Lycidas.' These letter raise questions as to why the Reverend Clarke had not taken up residence at the new St Thomas's Church, St Leonards. They may include replies by Clarke, though all are anonymous.
On Dykes of Marble and Quartz in connection with Plutonic Rock in Argyle County, New South Wales. JGS, 1845, I, 342-4; Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal, 1846, XL, 201-4; Tasmanian Journal of Natural Science, Hobart, 1849, III(1), 51-4.
Anon. Report on the presence of Clarke at the laying of the foundation stone for a church at Balmain. SMH, 2 January 1845.
The Late Meteor and Present Comet. SMH, 9 January 1845. Letter to the editor, signed and dated 'W.B.C. 3rd January 1845.'
Meteorology - Notes on the condition of the year 1844. SMH, 24 January 1845. Signed 'W.B.C.'
The Late Meteor. SMH, 4 February 1845. Letter to the editor, signed 'W.B.C. Muswellbrook, January 24', with PS '27th January.'
The Pentonville Exiles. SMH, 25 April 1845. Signed and dated 'W.B.C., Parramatta, April 22.'
Mesmerism in Australia. SMH, 16 July 1845. Lead article, unsigned.
Lightning Conductors. SMH, 10, 17 & 20 November 1845 Lead articles, in three parts, unsigned. Referred to in the 1872 list of publications and in a 4 March 1859 article on 'Death by Lightning.'
Departure of the Exploring Expedition. SMH, 18 November 1845. Unsigned. Refers to Edmund Kennedy and T.L. Mitchell.
Thunder Storms of November 20, 1845. SMH, 11 December 1845. Letter to the editor, signed and dated 'W.B.C. Paramatta, November 28.'
Lightning Conductors. SMH, 18 December 1845. Letter to the editor, signed and dated 'W.B.C. December 16.' Reply to a letter on the 15th from 'L.E.T.' [Rev. Lancelot Threlkeld].
Murchison, R.I., 1846. A brief review of the classification of the sedimentary rocks of Cornwall. Transactions of the Royal Geological Society of Cornwall, VI, 317-26. Includes a comparison of the geology of Russia and Australia with regards to the possible existence of gold. This article would play an important part in the later debate over who was the true scientific discoverer of gold in Australia - Clarke or Murchison.
Jukes, J.B., 1846. A few remarks on the nomenclature and classification of rock formations in new countries. Tasmanian Journal of Natural Science, II(6), 1-12. Written following discussions with the Reverend W.B. Clarke during 1844-5.
Review of Count Strzelecki's THE PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION OF NEW SOUTH WALES, London, 1845. SMH. Unsigned. This book was the first major work on the geology of New South Wales and Tasmania, and Clarke reviewed it warmly. In three parts, as follows: 1 (16 March); 2 (27 March); 3 (3 April 1846). Hot Gale of 11th April, 1846. SMH, 1 May 1846. Signed 'W.B.C. Campbelltown, April 14', with a postscript 'W.B.C. April 29.' See also comment by Lower Murrumbidgee correspondent on 27 May.
Meteorology. Mean temperature of the periods from 1st October to 30th April inclusive, in three consecutive years, from 1843 to 1846, deducted from daily observations made at Macquarie-street, Paramatta, at 8.30AM, 2.30PM, sunset. SMH, 5 May 1846. Signed and dated 'W.B.C. Paramatta, May 1, 1846.'
Piesse, Louis, 1846. Flooding of the Inland Rivers of NSW. SMH, 8 May. Letter to the editor, written in reply to Clarke's 'Hot Gale' paper of 1 May.
Hot Gale. SMH, 29 May 1846. Letter to the editor, signed 'W.B.C. May 27, 1846.' Replying to the Lower Murrumbidgee correspondent of 27 May.
On the Occurrence of Trilobites in the Protozoic Rocks of New South Wales. Tasmanian Journal of Natural Science, October 1849, III(1), 1-12. Article signed and dated 'Parramatta, 29th May 1846.' Clarke had discovered trilobites at Burragood, on the Paterson River, on 2 December 1842 and mentioned the find in the SMH of 6 April 1843. See also 16 June 1847 for a variant of this article.
Meteorology - Notes on the conditions of the month of May, 1845 and 1846, from observations made at Macquarie-street, Parramatta, with some general remarks illustrative of the climate during the winter months. SMH, 9 June 1846. Signed 'W.B.C. Paramatta, June 5.'
On the conditions of June and July, 1846; and of the present season in general. SMH, 27 August 1846. Signed and dated 'W.B.C. Paramatta, August 20.'
The Coburg Peninsula. SMH, 15 September 1846. Lead article, unsigned. Review of the explorations of G. Windsor Earl.
Parramatta Water Grievance. SMH, Supplement, 3 October 1846. Letter to the editor, signed 'W.B. Clarke. Paramatta, September 25.'
Report - Parramatta Water Committee. N.p., 1846. Referred to in Clarke's 1872 list of publications. Not located.
Tropical Australia and its Prospects - The Growth of Cotton. SMH, 28 September 1846. Lead article, unsigned. Review of the explorations of G. Windsor Earl.
Review of REMARKS ON THE PROBABLE ORIGIN AND ANTIQUITY OF THE ABORIGINAL NATIVES OF NEW SOUTH WALES ..... by a Colonial Magistrate [William Hull]. SMH, 3 October 1846. Unsigned.
Captain Stokes's Discoveries. SMH, 13 October 1846. Lead article, unsigned. Review of the explorations and surveys of Captain Stokes and the HMS Beagle.
River Albert. SMH, 19 October 1846. Lead article, unsigned. Continuation of a review of the discoveries of Captain Stokes.
Victoria River. SMH, 27 October 1846. Lead article, unsigned. Continuation of a review of the discoveries of Captain Stokes.
On the Geology of the Island of Lafu, one of the Loyalty Group, east of New Caledonia, in the Southern Pacific. JGS, 1847, III, 61-4. Article presented to the Society on 4 November 1846.
Fitz Roy River. SMH, 12 November 1846. Lead article, unsigned. Continuation of a review of the discoveries of Captain Stokes.
Adelaide River and North-west Coast. SMH, 17 November 1846. Lead article, unsigned. Review of the discoveries of Captain Stokes.
Meteorology. State of the Atmosphere at Parramatta, from 10th to 14th (3.53 PM), inclusive November, 1846. SMH, 17 November 1846. Signed'W.B.C.'
Captain Stokes's Discoveries. SMH, 25 November 1846. Lead article, unsigned.
Captain Stokes's Survey of the Eastern Entrance to Bass's Strait. SMH, 1 December 1846. Lead article, unsigned.
Sir Thomas Mitchell's Despatches. SMH, 9 December 1846. Lead article, unsigned.
Captain Stokes's Survey of the Western Entrance to Bass's Strait. SMH, 10 December 1846. Lead article, unsigned.
The Recent Discoveries. SMH, 21 December 1846. Lead article, unsigned. Review of the discoveries of Mitchell, Stokes, Sturt, and Leichhardt.
Account of a Thunderstorm. Walker's Electrical Magazine, II, 1846, 326-31.
Fossiliferous limestone of the Burdekin and a coral Cyathophyllum Leichhardti, in L. Leichhardt, JOURNAL OF AN OVERLAND EXPEDITION IN AUSTRALIA, FROM MORETON BAY TO PORT ESSINGTON ... DURING 1844-45. London, 1847, 212-3.
The Practical Value of the Recent Discoveries. SMH, 1 January 1847. Lead article, unsigned. Review of the discoveries of Mitchell and other explorers.
A.D.M. [Untitled]. The Atlas, 16 & 30 January 1847. Letter to the editor, critical of Clarke's anonymous writings for the Herald on Australian exploration.
Hodgson's Journey in Search of Leichhardt. SMH, 18 January 1847. Lead article, unsigned. Preliminary critical review of C.P. Hodgson's REMINISCENCES OF AUSTRALIA. (See also 23 January 1847 below).
Anon. A.D.M. SMH, 21 January & 4 February 1847. Comments, possibly by the editor of the Herald, on the criticisms expressed in The Atlas of 16 January 1847. See also The Australian of 30 January 1847 which suggests that T.L. Mitchell was 'A.D.M.'
Review of REMINISCENCES OF AUSTRALIA, WITH HINTS ON THE SQUATTERS LIFE by C.P. Hodgson. SMH, 23 January 1847. Unsigned. The Australian and the Surveyor General. SMH, 4 February 1847. Article pointing out reasons why T.L. Mitchell could not be 'A.D.M.'
Jukes, J.B., 1847. Notes on the Palaeozoic Formations of New South Wales and Van Dieman's Land. JGS, III, 240-9. Presented to the Society on 24 February 1847. Partially based on discussions and excursions with Clarke. Also published under the title: On the Palaeozoic Rocks of the neighbourhood of Sydney. Tasmanian Journal of Natural Science, Hobart, III, 1849, 376-87. Clarke considered the article as much his as Jukes', and was somewhat miffed that he was not cited as a co-author.
Meteorology. Conditions of the year 1845 in the Northern Hemisphere, compared with the nearly corresponding period in Australia. SMH, 2 March 1847. Lead article, signed 'W.B.C.'
The Intellectual Barrenness of New South Wales. SMH, 12 March 1847. Lead article, unsigned.
On Climates Suitable for the Production of Wine. SMH, 2 April 1847. Lead article, unsigned.
Law of Storms. SMH, 6 & 17 May 1847. Lead articles, unsigned.
On the Genera and Distribution of Plants in the Carboniferous System of New South Wales. JGS, 1848, IV, 60-3. Presented to the Geological Society of London on 16 June 1847.
On the Occurrence of Trilobites in New South Wales, with remarks on the probable age of the formation in which they occur. JGS, 1848, IV, 63-6. Presented to the Geological Society of London on 16 June 1847. See also under 29 May 1846.
Meteorology. On the fall of rain in the Lake Districts of Cumberland and Westmoreland in 1845; with remarks in reference to the falls in New South Wales. SMH, 16 June 1847. Signed and dated 'W.B.C. St Leonard's, June 11.'
Review of SAVAGE LIFE AND SCENES IN AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND by George French Angas. SMH, 9 July 1847. Unsigned.
Gun Cotton. SMH, 12 July 1847. Lead article, unsigned.
Meteorology. On the great Barometrical Depression of June and July, 1847. SMH, 30 July 1847. Signed and dated 'W.B.C. St Leonard's, July 26.'
Review of RECOLLECTIONS AND HISTORICAL NOTICES OF CAMBRIDGE by J.K. Walpole. SMH, 24 August 1847. Unsigned.
McCoy, Frederick, 1847. The Fossil Botany and Zoology of the Rocks associated with the Coal of Australia. MNH, Series 1, XX, 145-57, 226-36, 298-319; Tasmanian Journal of Natural Science, 1849, III, 429-43; Proceedings of the Royal Society of Van Dieman's Land, January 1851, 1(III), 303-34. Identifies and lists Australian fossils collected by the Rev. W.B. Clarke, and sent to Professor Sedgwick in England during November 1844. Sections republished by Clarke in the Sydney Morning Herald between December 1848-March 1849.
Various. Report from the Select Committee on the Coal Inquiry, with Appendix and Minutes of Evidence. 16 September 1847. V&PLC, Sydney, 1847, II, 50, 335-95. Clarke's evidence and correspondence is located at 339-41, 347-53.
Geology - Comparison of Russia and Australia. SMH, 28 September, 1847; Tasmanian Journal of Natural Science, 1849, III, 365-70.
Fossil Bones - Remarks on Fossil remains of Gigantic Marsupials from King's Creek, Darling Downs, brought to Sydney by a Mr Turner. SMH, 30 November 1847. Lead article, unsigned. Article also published in the following: Appendix to W.B. Clarke's Northern Districts Report X. Papers Relative to Geological Surveys, New South Wales. V&PLC, Sydney, 21 December 1853, 11-13; Further Papers Relative to the Recent Discovery of Gold in Australia. Parliamentary Blue Book, London, December 1854, 38-9.
Macleay, W.S., 1847. Fossil Bones. SMH, 4 December. Letter to the editor, in reply to Clarke's of 30 November.
Dana, J.D., 1847. A Description of Fossil Shells of the Collections of the Exploring Expedition under the Command of Charles Wilkes, U.S.N., obtained in Australia. Silliman's American Journal of Science, 2nd series, IV, 151... Includes reference to material collected with Clarke during 1839-40.
Mr Kennedy's Expedition. SMH, 22 & 26 January 1848. Unsigned, small notes.
Mitchell's Victoria. SMH, 25 January 1848. Lead article, unsigned. Review of T.L. Mitchell's 1846-7 exploration of the Victoria River.
Mr Woore's Report on the Proposed Railway in New South Wales. SMH, 26 January 1848. Unsigned.
Are the Interior Waters of Australia Navigable? SMH, 15 March - 18 May 1848. Lead articles, unsigned. In six parts, with follow-up article on 23 November 1850: I (15 March); II (16 March); III (7 April) Basin of the Darling; 4 (24 April) Basin of the Murray; V (16 May) River Murray (Sturt's Voyage); VI (18 May) River Murray and Lake Alexandria.
Remarks on the Identity of the Epoch of the Coal Beds and Palaeozoic Rocks of New South Wales. MNH, 1848, 2nd Series, II, 206-10. Signed and dated 'St Leonards Parsonage, North Shore, Sydney, April 7th, 1848.' This article was Clarke's reply to McCoy's description of the fossils he had despatched to England in 1844.
Mr Kennedy's Expedition. SMH, 26 April 1848. Lead article, unsigned.
The Observatory. SMH, 30 May 1848. Lead article, unsigned.
The Australian Botanic and Horticultural Society. SMH, 20 & 27 June 1848. Unsigned. Report on the formation of this Society, of which Clarke was a member of the Committee.
On the Extraction of Silver from Lead by the Blowpipe. SMH, Tuesday, 11 July 1848. Lead article, unsigned. Referred to in 1872 listing.
The Carboniferous Formation of New South Wales. SMH, 14 November 1848; Tasmanian Journal of Natural Science, 1849, III, 459-65. Signed 'W.B.C.'
Fossil Botany of New South Wales. SMH, 2 & 5 December 1848. Review of F. McCoy's 1847 analysis of Clarke's Australian fossils. Unsigned. In two parts.
Fossil Zoology of New South Wales. SMH. In eight parts, as follows: I (21 December 1848); II (4 January 1849); 3 (10 January 1849); 4 (30 January 1849); 5 (12 February 1849); 6 (3 March 1849); 7 (10 March 1849); 8 (16 March 1849) 'W.B.C. St. Leonard's, February 28th, 1849.'
Dana, J.D., 1848. Fossils of the Exploring Expedition under the Command of Charles Wilkes, U.S.N., a Fossil Fish from Australia. Silliman's American Journal of Science, 2nd series, V, 433...; MNH, 1848, II, 150-1. Includes references to fossils collected with Clarke during 1839-40.
Dana, J.D., 1849. Geological Observations on New South Wales, in UNITED STATES EXPLORING EXPEDITION .... UNDER THE COMMAND OF CHARLES WILKES, U.S.N. VOL. X., GEOLOGY. C. Sherman, Philadelphia, 449-537; plus Appendix 1 - Description of Fossils, 'Fossils of New South Wales', 681-720 & plates 1-20. Dana had carried out geological investigations and discussions with W.B. Clarke during his visit to New South Wales in 1839-1840, the results of which are contained in this publication, along with descriptions of fossils collected during that time.
Gold Hunting. SMH, 16 February 1849. Letter to the editor on the supposed gold discovery in Victoria. Signed 'Plutus. February 14.'
The Fate of Kennedy's Expedition. SMH, 6 March 1849. Lead article, unsigned.
The Late Mr Kennedy. SMH, 7 March 1849. Lead article, unsigned.
The Dead Sea. SMH, 6, 16 & 24 April 1849. Letters to the editor, signed and dated 'W.B.C. St. Leonards.' In three parts. Written in reply to letters from Arthur T. Holdroyd, published on 3, 9 and 23 April.
Metalliferous Deposits of the Malay Peninsula. SMH, 12 May 1849. Lead, unsigned.
Mining. SMH, 29 May - 16 August 1849. Lead articles, unsigned. In three parts as follows: 29 May 1849 Mining; 3 July 1849 Mining; 12 July 1849 Mining.
Mineral Veins. SMH, 19 July 1849.
On the Probable Occurrence of Tin in New South Wales. SMH, 16 August 1849.
P.P. [Untitled]. SMH, 12 June 1849. Letter extracted from the Maitland Mercury, possibly written by P.P. King, asking for Clarke's comments on Sir R.I. Murchison's speech of 27 May 1844 to the Royal Geographical Society wherein he intimated that gold would be found in Australia.
Review of NARRATIVE OF AN EXPEDITION INTO CENTRAL AUSTRALIA by Charles Sturt. SMH, 4, 9 & 23 June 1849. Unsigned. In three parts.
Aneroid Barometer. SMH, 28 July 1849. Signed and dated 'W.B.C. St. Leonard's, 23rd July, 1849.'
Anon. Geological Surveys. SMH, 28 August 1849. Report on a discussion in the Legislative Council referring to Clarke.
Anon. Legislative Council - Geological Researches of the Rev. Mr. Clarke. SMH, 29 August 1849.
Mount Keera Coal Seam. SMH, 29 August 1849. Letter to the editor, signed and dated 'W.B. Clarke. St Leonard's, August 28.'
Alley, George Underwood, 1849. Illawarra. SMH, 6 September. Letter to the editor in reply to Clarke's letter of 29 August.
Mount Keera Coal Seam. SMH, 7 September 1849. Letter to the editor, signed and dated 'W.B.C. September 5.'
California. SMH. Unsigned. In three parts, as follows: 1 (22 October 1849); 2 (27 October 1849); 3 (6 November 1849). Extracts from J.D. Dana's journal notes of 1841 describing the geology and geography of the area between Fort Vancouver and San Francisco. Originally published in the American Journal of Science. Extracted and edited by Clarke.
Anon. A Military Geologist. Bell's Life in Sydney & Sporting Reviewer, 1 December 1849. Humourous piece making reference to Clarke.
Gold Mining. SMH, 19 & 21 December 1849. Unsigned. In two parts.
Anon. The Supply of Water. SMH, 20 December 1849. Lead article suggesting a committee be formed to deal with the problem of Sydney's water supply. Composed of Clarke, Colonel Baddeley, Edmund Blackett, and Francis Clarke.
A.A. [Artesian Wells]. SMH, 20-25 December 1849. A series of letters to the editor, to which Clarke wrote replies during January-February 1850: Artesian Wells (20 December); Artesian Well at Grenette (21 December); Artesian Well at Grenette (24 December); On the Best Means of Obtaining a Supply of Water for Sydney 25 December 1849. 'A.A.' or 'An Amateur' was Colonel Baddeley of Dawes Point Battery. See Clarke's RESEARCHES IN THE SOUTHERN GOLDFIELDS (1860, 300). He was a mineralogist and friend of Clarke's who published a number of rock analyses in the Sydney Morning Herald during 1849-50.
California. SMH, 12 January 1850. Lead article, unsigned. Comparison of the geography of the United States with Australia.
The Philosophical Society. SMH, 24 January 1850. Lead article, unsigned.
Supply of Water. SMH. Leading articles on the problems of the supply of water for Sydney. Unsigned. Three parts known, as follows: 1 (30 January 1850); 2 (18 February 1850); 3 (4 March 1850).
Artesian Wells. SMH, 7 February 1850. Letter to the editor, signed and dated 'W.B.C. St. Leonards, February 2.' See also replies by 'W.T.G.' of 12 February, and 'X.Y.Z.' of 16 February, which are critical of Clarke.
Artesian Wells. SMH, 14 February 1850. Letter to the editor, signed and dated 'W.B.C. February 13.'
Artesian Wells. SMH, 18 February 1850. Letter to the editor, signed 'W.B.C.' See also letter to the editor by 'A.A.' of 12 March which refers to Clarke.
Artesian Wells. Nos. I-V. SMH, 23 March - 14 May 1850. Letters to the editor, signed 'W.B.C.' and dated as indicated below. In five parts as follows: I (23 March); II (27 March); 3 (11 April); IV (11 May); V (14 May).
Murchison, R.I., 1850. Siberia and California. Quarterly Review, London, 87, 396. Makes reference to Clarke.
Anon. Australian Gold. The Spectator, London, April 1850. Republished in September 1851. Includes extract of a letter from W.B. Clarke. Refer 1861 Select Committee, Appendix A, for a copy.
Attack by Hoodlums. SMH, 25 May 1850. Letter to the editor re the attack on the Rev. W.B. Clarke and a fellow priest by some hoodlums in Sydney.
Where is Dr. Leichhardt? SMH, 6 August 1850. Lead article, unsigned.
Review of Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Van Dieman's Land. SMH, 31 August 1850. Unsigned. Second notice.
Letter from W.B. Clarke to Robert Brown. Quarterly Review, London, September 1850.
Anon. Report on meeting of Australian Philosophical Society. SMH, 5 September 1850. Includes comments by Clarke on Red Cedar, the Moa (an extinct New Zealand bird), and a paper on fossil bird bones of New Zealand.
Kennedy and Leichhardt. SMH, 1 October 1850. Letter to the editor, signed and dated 'W.B.C. St. Leonard's, September 30.'
The Freak's Hurricane. SMH, 12 October 1850. Letter to the editor, signed and dated 'W.B.C. St Leonards, October 11, 1850.' Investigation of a hurricane observed by the brig Freak in a new portion of the hurricane area about Hong Kong, with remarks by W.B. Clarke. Refer to hand written original at ML MSS139/100.
Geological Surveys, Great Britain and Ireland. SMH, 4 November 1850. Unsigned. Critical of the selection of Samuel Stutchbury as geological surveyor for New South Wales.
Geological Surveys, England and Wales. SMH, 16 November 1850. Unsigned. See also a similarly titled article (?extracted from a London paper) in the SMH of 28 July 1851 which discusses some of the background to this issue.
A.A. Mineralogy. SMH, 16 November 1850. Letter to the editor outlining the results of analyses of samples sent to Colonel Baddeley by W.B. Clarke and Alexander Berry.
A.A. Geological Surveys. SMH, 20 November 1850. Letter to the editor, signed 'A.A.' and praising Clarke as 'the Australian [William] Smith.'
Navigation of the Murray. SMH, 23 November 1850.
Progress of Settlement - Leichhardt's Expedition. SMH, 7 December 1850. Unsigned.
Jukes, J.B., 1850. A SKETCH OF THE PHYSICAL STRUCTURE OF AUSTRALIA, SO FAR AS IT IS AT PRESENT KNOWN. T. & W. Boone, London. Written following Jukes' own observations in Australia and lengthy discussions with the Reverend W.B. Clarke. Many of the comments on Australian geology are a reiteration of Clarke's ideas.
Meteorology. Thunder storm of Saturday 21st, and Sunday, 22nd December, 1850. SMH, 28 December 1850. Signed and dated 'W.B.C. St Leonard's, December 26.'
Dana, J.D., 1850. On the Degradation of Rocks of New South Wales, and Formation of Valleys. American Journal of Science, 2nd series, IX, 289... Article refers to discussions Dana had with Clarke on this topic whilst exploring Kangaroo Valley, Illawarra, during 1839.
Ethnology. SMH, 14 January 1851. Being a review of the 1850 London edition of Charles Pickering's THE RACES OF MAN & THEIR GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION, initially issued as volume IX of the records of the United States Exploring Expedition of 1838-42. Unsigned.
Leichhardt. SMH, 18 January 1851. Lead article, unsigned.
Cyatsphyllum leichhardti, neue versteinerte Koralle aus Australien. Frorieps Tageberichte uber die Fortschritte der Naturund Heilkunde, February 1851, 262, 97-8. See also under 1847 for reference to this fossil coral.
Ordeal by Fire - Spheroidal Condition of Bodies. SMH, 1 February 1851. Unsigned.
Science v. Superstition. Spheroidal State of Bodies. SMH, 8 February 1851. Unsigned.
Observations made at Paramatta during the Eclipse of the Sun, on Saturday, 1st February, 1851. SMH, 15 February 1851. Signed 'W.B.C. St Leonard's, February 12'; Astronomical Society Monthly Notice, London, XI, 1850-51, 223-5.
Observatory. SMH, 20 February 1851. Lead article, unsigned.
Survey of the Aborigines of New South Wales. N.p., April 1851. Circular to all Anglican clergy of New South Wales requesting information on the Aboriginal residents of various parishes. Signed by Clarke. ML MSS139/25.
Researches in the Australian Goldfields 1851 - 1853
{On 12 February 1851 Edward Hammond Hargraves 'discovered' a workable goldfield at Summer Hill Creek, near Bathurst. It was publically announced in the Sydney Morning Herald on 3 May, upon which point Clarke immediately put pen to paper regarding the geology of gold and claims re its discovery in Australia}
The Gold Discovery. SMH, 5 May 1851. Unsigned letter to the editor, dated 'May 3.'
Gold. SMH, 15 May 1851. Lead article re the discovery of gold in Australia. Unsigned.
Gold Discovery. SMH, 18 May 1851. Letter to the editor, signed and dated 'A Friend to Strzelecki. May 17.' Possibly by Clarke, or a Mr Walker. Refer RESEARCHES IN THE SOUTHERN GOLDFIELDS (1860, 289).
On Australian Gold. SMH, 20 May 1851; Correspondence relating to the Recent Discovery of Gold in Australia, Parliamentary Blue Book, 3 February 1852, 5-8.
Anon. Gold. Goulburn Herald, 20 May 1851. Mentions W.B. Clarke's 1842-7 predictions of gold in the area of Goulburn.
Australian Board of Missions - Report. SMH, 21 May 1851. Includes a report by Clarke, who was Secretary.
Gold. SMH, 25 May 1851. Signed and dated 'W.B. Clarke, St. Leonard's Parsonage, May 24.' Comparison of the geology of Australia with other gold areas, such as California and the Ural Mountains.
The Discovery of Gold in Australia. Evening Mail, London, 1851. Signed and dated 'W.B. Clarke, St. Leonard's Parsonage, May 24.'
Metalliferous Quartz and its Commercial Value. SMH, 5 July 1851 (republished 8 July). Letter to the editor, signed and dated 'W.B. Clarke, July 3.'
Gold Working - Associated Minerals, &c. SMH, 24 July 1851. Signed and dated 'W.B. Clarke, St. Leonard's July 22.'
Hale, Thomas. Metalifferous Quartz and the Proper Use of Quicksilver. SMH, 24 July 1851. Letter to the editor, with an attached note by Clarke (?).
Anon. The Australian Gold-bed. The Spectator, London, 6 September 1851. Includes extract of a letter from W.B. Clarke which had been published in April 1850.
Anon. On the probable influence of the recent discoveries of Gold Mines, in various parts of the world, on the relative value of Gold and Silver. Illustrated Australian Magazine, Melbourne, October 1851, III, 211. Includes an editorial note on Clarke.
Anon. The Distribution of Gold Throughout the World. The Times, London, 17 November 1851. Makes reference to Clarke. Republished in SMH, 5 March 1852.
{The following is a listing of the various goldfield reports initially published by the Reverend W.B. Clarke between 1851-53. There are 19 Southern Districts reports and 10 (plus an appendix) for the Northern Districts of New South Wales.}
On the Southern Districts
(I) Bungonia, 20 September 1851. V&PLC, 1852, 54-6; SMH, 21 February 1852; Parliamentary Blue Book, London, 1853, 16, 22-4.
(II) Mount Elrington, 10 October 1851. Report on the Geology of the Neighbourhood of the Shoalhaven River and Araluen. (Reports 1 and 2). V&PLC, Sydney, 1852, 81-8; SMH, 21 February 1852; Parliamentary Blue Book, 1853, 16, 24-7.
(III) Jineroo, 21 October 1851. Report on the Geology of the Gourock Range, the Carwang Country, and the Southern Division of the County of Murray. (Report 3). V&PLC, 1852, 88-93; SMH, 21 February 1852; Parliamentary Blue Book, 1853, 16, 27-32.
(IV) Camp at Bulonamang, 10 November 1851. On an Examination of the Country between Jineroo and Bullanamang, plus minor reports. (Report 4). V&PLC, 1852, 93-5; SMH, 21 February 1852; Parliamentary Blue Book, 1853, 16, 32.
(V) Bulonamang, 15 November 1851. On the Chemical Analysis of Quartz from the Merriwa and Lake George Ranges. (Report 5). SMH, 21 February 1852; Parliamentary Blue Book, 1853, 16, 33.
(VI) Cooma, 17 November 1851. On the Geology of the right bank of the Upper Murrumbidgee. (Report 6). SMH, 21 February 1852; Parliamentary Blue Book, 1853, 16, 33.
(VII) Jindebain, County Wallace, 24 December 1851. On the Gold Localities S.W. of Cooma, and the Geology of the Counties of Beresford and Wallace. (Report 7). V&PLC, 1852, 1, 1-5; SMH, Supplement, 16 June 1852; Parliamentary Blue Book, 1853, 16, 33-7.
(VIII) Cooma, 3 January 1852. On the occurrence of Gold on Bobundara Creek, &c. (Report 8). V&PLC, 1852, 2, 5-6; SMH, 16 June 1852; Parliamentary Blue Book, 1853, 16, 37-8. See also 15 January 1852 below for a letter on 'Gold in Granite' written from Coocoocmanulla and subsequently published in the Sydney Morning Herald, though not included in the later published reports.
(IX) Camp at Buckalong, 29 January 1852. On Gold Localities at the Source of the Umaralla and other Rivers.' (Report 9). V&PLC, 1852, 3, 6-10; SMH, 19 June 1852; Parliamentary Blue Book, 1853, 16, 38-41.
(X) Brogalong Creek, 6 February 1852. On the Metalliferous Rocks of Merinoo. (Report 10). V&PLC, 1852, 4, 10-11; SMH, 19 June 1852; Parliamentary Blue Book, 1853, 16, 41-2, 65-6.
(XI) Maharatta Creek, 26 February 1852. (Report 11). V&PLC, 6, 12-19; SMH, 26 June 1852; Parliamentary Blue Book, 1853, 16, 66-71.
(XII) Eden, Twofold Bay, 6 March 1852. On the Geology of the south-east parts of the County of Wellesly, with remarks on Maneroo generally, &c. (Reports 12). V&PLC, 6, 12-19; SMH, 26 June 1852; Parliamentary Blue Book, 1853, 16, 66-71.
(XIII) Boroungoma, Bendoc River, 22 March 1852. On the Auriferous Character of the Country along the Bendoc and Deleget Rivers. (Report 13). V&PLC, 1852, 7, 20-5; SMH, 26 June 1852; Parliamentary Blue Book, 1853, 16, 72-6.
(XIV) Pambula, 10 March 1852. On the occurrence of Gold in the County of Dampier, New South Wales. (Report 14). V&PLC, 1852, 8, 26; SMH, 6 July 1852; Parliamentary Blue Book, 1853, 16, 76.
(XV) Jejedzic, 3 May 1852. On the occurrence of Gold in Granite and Quartz on both Flanks of the Alps, between Tumut and the Snowy Rivers. (Report 15). V&PLC, 1852, 11, 33; SMH, 6 July 1852; Parliamentary Blue Book, 1853, 16, 77.
(XVI) Yarralumla, 20 May 1852. On the existence of Gold along the Rivers and Creeks flowing from the Muniong Range, &c. (Report 16). V&PLC, 1852, 1, 1-3; SMH, 31 July 1852; Parliamentary Blue Book, London, 1853, 16, 81-3.
(XVII) Winderreedeen, 1 June 1852. On the Metalliferous Prospects of the Country of Murray, and on the vicinity of Lake George. (Report 17). V&PLC, 1852, 2, 3-6; SMH, 31 July 1852; Parliamentary Blue Book, 1853, 16, 83-6.
(XVIII) Marulan, 3 June 1852. On the existence of Gold at Shelley's Flat. (Report 18). V&PLC, 1852, 3, 7; SMH, 31 July 1852; Parliamentary Blue Book, 1853, 16, 86-7.
(XIX) St Leonard's, 28 August 1852. On the Geological Formation of the Country between the Maneroo Highlands and the Sea Coast of the County of Auckland. (Report 19 - Supplement to Report 12.) Including a map of the 'General Appearance of the Country along the Upper part of the Maharatta Creek to illustrate the Rev. W.B. Clarke's Twelfth Geological Report and Supplement thereto.' Parliamentary Blue Book, 1853, 16, 7-18.
On the Northern Districts
(I) Camp on Cann's Plains, Peel River, 6 November 1852. On the Geological Structure of the Country between Marulan and the Peel River. (Report 1 - Northern Districts). Parliamentary Blue Book, 1853, 16, 26-30; SMH, Supplement, 8 December 1852.
(II) Camp, near the Assistant Gold Commissioner's Tents, Peel River, 15 November 1852. On the Geological Character and probable extent of the "Hanging Rock Diggings", &c. (Report 2). Parliamentary Blue Book, 1853, 16, 30-4; SMH, Supplement, 20 December 1852. Includes a sketch 'Quartz veins in quartzite, on the range S.E. of Duncan's Creek.'
(III) Camp at Tamworth, 24 November 1852. On the dispersion of Gold in Australia. (Report 3). Parliamentary Blue Book, 1853, 16, 35-9.
(IV) Crown Land's Office, Liverpool Plains, 30 November 1852. On the occurrence of Alluvial Lead Ore. (Report 4). Parliamentary Blue Book, 1853, 16, 39-40; SMH, Supplement, 20 January 1853.
(V) Camp near Tamworth, 7 December 1852. On the General Prospects and Physical Conditions of the "Hanging Rock" and Peel River Gold Fields. (Report 5). Parliamentary Blue Book, 1853, 16, 40-2; SMH, 22 January 1853.
(VI) Camp at Walcha, 28 December 1852. On the Geological Structure and Auriferous Condition of the Country along the Upper waters of the Namoi and Apsley Rivers. (Report 6). Parliamentary Blue Book, 1853, 18, 24-9; SMH, 21 May 1853.
(VII) Armidale, 14 February 1853. On the Geological Structure and Auriferous Condition of the Country between the Heads of the Macleay and Gwydir Rivers. (Report 7). Parliamentary Blue Book, 1854, 18, 30-41.
(VIII) Tarahmbwoan, Ranger's Valley, Severn River, 7 May 1853. On the Geological Structure of the Western Slopes of the Highlands of New England, &c. (Report 8). Parliamentary Blue Book, 1854, 18, 42-55.
(IX) Coolambaurra, County of Stanley, 24 June 1853. On the Geology of the Clarence River District, &c. (Report IX). V&PLC, 1853, 13; Parliamentary Blue Book, December 1854, 20, 3-13.
(X) St Leonard's, 14 October 1853. On the Geology of the Basin of the Condamine River. (Report 10). With maps and appendices. V&PLC, 1853, 1-11; Parliamentary Blue Book, December 1854, 20, 29-38.
Remarks on the Bones brought to Sydney by Mr Turner, and published in the SMH, 30 November 1847. (Appendix to Report X). V&PLC, 1853, 11-13; Parliamentary Blue Book, December 1854, 20, 38-9. Includes a geological map titled 'Sketch of the Country between Moreton bay and the River Condamine.'
Australia 1852 - 1878
During the years 1852-3 Clarke was heavily involved in his official researches into the Southern and Northern Goldfields of New South Wales, reference to which is contained in the previous section.
Kennedy, Edmund, 1852. Extracts from the Journal of an Exploring Expedition to Central Australia, by Edmund Kennedy, (W.B. Clarke, editor). Journal of the Royal Geographical Society, London, XXII, Appendix.
J.G. Tamworth Gold Field. SMH, 27 January 1852. Letter to the editor, praising Clarke's preliminary geological investigations in the Maitland area during 1845.
Anon. The Rev. W.B. Clarke. SMH, 29 January 1852. Lead article, giving an account of Clarke's researches in the southern goldfields, based on letters to a Sydney friend (possibly P.P. King).
Anon. The Australian Ophir. SMH, 3 February 1852. Extracted from the London Examiner. Critical of Clarke, and praising Murchison for his scientific discovery of gold in Australia.
On the Discovery of Gold in Australia [Abstract]. JGS, 1852, VIII, 131-4; Mining Journal, London, 1852, XXII, 81. Read to the Geological Society of London on 4 February 1852.
Murchison, R.I., 1852. On the Anticipation of the Discovery of Gold in Australia; with a General View of the Conditions under which that Metal is Distributed [Abstract]. JGS, VIII, 134-6. Read to the Geological Society of London on 4 February 1852. This paper is a reply to Clarke's SMH article of 20 May 1851, and contains a reference to Clarke and his claim as discoverer of gold in Australia.
Anon. Mems About Gold. SMH, 14 February 1852. Report that Clarke had despatched a sample of Mitta Mitta gold to Mr Hale of George Street, Sydney, for analysis.
P.P. King (editor). Geological Survey of the Colony of New South Wales - Journals of the Rev. W.B. Clarke on the Southern Goldfields. SMH, 21 February 1852. One of a series of reports edited by King on the geological surveys being undertaken in the New South Wales goldfields by Clarke, T.L. Mitchell, Samuel Stutchbury, Edward Hargraves, J.R. Hardy and others. Previous reports had appeared on 7 and 14 February.
Gold in Granite. SMH, 24 February 1852. Letter to the editor, signed and dated 'W.B. Clarke, Camp at Coocoocmanulla. Jan. 15th, 1852.' Reproduced in RESEARCHES IN THE SOUTHERN GOLDFIELDS (1860, 46-8).
Sir R.I. Murchison and the Australian Gold Fields. SMH, Tuesday, 24 February 1852. Letter to the editor, signed and dated 'W.B. Clarke, Buckalong, February 18.' Reply to an editorial from the London Examiner, published in the SMH of 3 December 1852.
Geological Report. SMH, 6 March 1852. Errata to Clarke's geological reports of 1851, published by the Legislative Council.
Albury and Mitta Mitta Gold Fields. SMH, 3 June 1852. Copy of a letter to a resident of Albury. Signed and dated 'W.B. Clarke. Gungarlin River, Snowy Plain, 13th May, 1852.'
Zoological Garden. SMH, 24 June 1852. Letter to the editor, signed and dated 'W.B. Clarke. St Leonard's, June 23.' See also W.S. Macleay's letter of same date.
Sir R.J. Murchison and the Geology of Australia. SMH, 26 June 1852. Letter to the editor, signed and dated 'W.B. Clarke. St. Leonard's, June 24', and enclosing a letter by Murchison dated 10 February 1852.
Anon. The Proposed Zoological Garden. SMH, 26 June 1852. Letter to the editor, signed 'The Reporter.' Refers to the Rev. Clarke.
Zoological Society of London. SMH, 28 June 1852. Letter to the editor, signed and dated 'W.B. Clarke. St. Leonard's, June 25, 1852', enclosing a copy of a letter from Sir Stamford Raffles dated 11 May 1826.
Anon. History of the Gold Discovery and the Present Condition and Production of the Mines. The Empire, 31 August 1852. Discusses the role W.B. Clarke and Edward Hargraves played in the discovery of gold in Australia.
Various, 1852. Select Committee on the Management of the Gold Fields. V&PLC, Sydney, 22-28. W.B. Clarke appeared before the Committee on 24 September 1852 and 19 August 1853. He submitted a number of letters as evidence for his claim as scientific discoverer of gold in New South Wales, and these were reproduced as an appendix. Sections of his submission were also published in the following: Further Papers Relative to the Discovery of Gold in Australia. Parliamentary Blue Book, London, 1854, 20, 24-26; Discovery of Gold in Australia, Government Printer, Sydney, 1854, 4p; Claims of the Reverend W.B. Clarke, Government Printer, Sydney, 1861, 41-4.
Anon. Sir Roderick Murchison and the Rev. Mr. Clarke. Australian and New Zealand Gazette, 30 October 1852; ?English newspaper, 1 March 1853.
Anon. The Australian El Dorado. Dorset Country Chronicle, Dorset, 1852. Article on W.B. Clarke and his Australian goldfields investigations.
Murchison, R.I., 1853. Presidential Address. Journal of the Royal Geographical Society, London, XXIII, 70. Delivered on 23 May 1853. Discusses Clarke's role in the discovery of Silurian fossils in Australia.
James Pye, 1853. Parramatta Water Works. SMH, 9 July. Advertisement which includes a copy of an 1846 letter by W.B. Clarke.
Anon. Mr Hargraves. SMH, 18 July 1853. Lead article, unsigned.
Australian Board of Mission. SMH, 18 & 30 July 1853. Advertisement for subscriptions. W.B. Clarke signed the notice as Secretary.
Anon. Church of England College. SMH, 1 August 1853. Report on meeting of the Sydney University Church of England College committee, of which W.B. Clarke was a member.
Report of the Board appointed for the Sinking of an Artesian Well at Darlinghurst Goal. [Ordered to be printed by the Legislative Council, 23 June 1853]. V&PLC, 1853, 1, 729-33. Clarke was chairman of the Board which had been constituted around March 1850, however he was engaged in geological survey work on the goldfields when the final report was prepared.
Anon. Gold in New Zealand. Illustrated London News, 3 December 1853, 465. Contains references to Clarke's involvement in the discovery of gold in New Zealand.
Anon. Report on meeting of Australian Board of Missions. SMH, 9 December 1853. Unsigned. W.B. Clarke was Secretary. Includes comments by Clarke on the Aborigines.
Dr. Leichhardt's Mother. SMH, 17 December 1853. Letter to the editor, signed and dated 'W.B. Clarke. St. Leonard's, December 13.'
Anon. Tasmania. SMH, 20 December 1853. Report on Clarke's studies of Tasmanian geology.
Letter from W.B. Clarke to the Honorable The Colonial Secretary, on the subject of Correspondence between Sir R.I. Murchison and the Colonial Minister, relative to anticipations of the Discovery of Gold in Australia, in New South Wales Discovery of Gold (Sir R. Murchison's Claim), V&PLC, Sydney, 1854, 1-3; Parliamentary Blue Book, London, 1854, 20, 21-3. Letter signed and dated 'St Leonard's, 21 December 1853.'
Gold in Van Dieman's Land. SMH, 21 December 1853. Letter to the editor.
Review of Anniversary Address to the Royal Geographical Society by Sir R.I. Murchison. SMH, 24 December 1853. Makes reference to Clarke.
Anon. Note on the Discovery of Gold in Australia. Quarterly Review, London, XCIV, December 1853 - March 1854, 606.
Murchison, R.I., 1854. SILURIA. THE HISTORY OF THE OLDEST KNOWN ROCKS CONTAINING ORGANIC REMAINS, WITH A BRIEF SKETCH OF THE DISTRIBUTION OF GOLD OVER THE EARTH. London, 1st edition. Contains references to the work of W.B. Clarke and his discovery of Silurian fossils in New South Wales.
Tin Ore. SMH, 15 January 1854. Letter to the editor, signed and dated 'W.B. Clarke. St. Leonard's, 13th January, 1854.'
Anon. The Scientific and Practical Discovery of Gold [in Australia]. The Times, London, 16 January 1854. Republished in SMH, 18 April 1854.
Is there to be no further search for Leichhardt?' SMH, 17 January 1854. Lead article, signed 'A.'
Review of Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Van Dieman's Land. SMH, 25 January 1854. Second notice.
Report of the Select Committee of the Legislative Council on Claims for the Discovery of Gold in Victoria, Parliamentary Papers of Victoria, Government Printer, Melbourne, 3(2), 10 March 1854. Contains a copy of a letter submitted by W.B. Clarke. The Committee eventually voted �1000 to Clarke for his role in the Victorian gold discoveries.
Omeo Diggings. SMH, 26 April 1854. Signed and dated 'W.B. Clarke. 19 April 1854. Reproduced in Clarke's RESEARCHES IN THE SOUTHERN GOLDFIELDS (1860, 136-8).
Calvert, John 1854. SMH, 29 May & 6 June 1854. Lead articles, unsigned. Critical review of Calvert's book GOLD ROCKS OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND, AND A GENERAL OUTLINE OF THE GOLD REGIONS OF THE WORLD, WITH A TREATISE ON THE GEOLOGY OF GOLD (London, 1854).
To the Members of the Church of England of Gordon. Letter to parishioners, signed and dated 'W.B. Clarke, St Leonard's, 1st October 1854.' Privately printed pamphlet, 3p.
Anon. Further Papers relative to the Discovery of Gold in Australia. British Parliamentary Papers, London, July 1855, 21, 17-21. Correspondence from various authors - including W.B. Clarke - re his involvement in the discovery of gold in New South Wales. Includes two letters from Clarke to the New South Wales Colonial Secretary dated St Leonard's, 1 & 19 October 1854.
Anon. Select Committee on Clergy Stipends. SMH, 27 October 1854. Editorial, including comments by Clarke.
The Elevation of the Australian Continents. SMH, 18 November 1854. See also 13 December 1854.
Catalogue of Geological Specimens illustrating the Succession of the Rock Formations in New South Wales, in CATALOGUE OF THE NATURAL AND INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS OF NEW SOUTH WALES. Government Printer, Sydney, 1854, 41-51. Signed 'W.B.C., 4th December 1854.' This was the first comprehensive catalogue of New South Wales geological specimens to be published. The introductory comments, without the attached list, were published in the SMH, 12 December 1854. See also SMH 30 November & 1 December regarding Samuel Stutchbury's involvement, following on questions in the Legislative Council by George Macleay on 7 September.
The Gold Fields of New South Wales, in CATALOGUE OF THE NATURAL AND INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS OF NEW SOUTH WALES. Government Printer, Sydney, 1854, 60-2.
Clarke, W.B. and Johnston, W., 1854. Catalogue of the Drift deposits dug through in sinking for Gold on the Turon River, in CATALOGUE OF THE NATURAL AND INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS OF NEW SOUTH WALES. Government Printer, Sydney, 62-3.
On the Coal Fields of New South Wales, in CATALOGUE OF THE NATURAL AND INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS OF NEW SOUTH WALES. Government Printer, Sydney, 1854, 68-70.
Scientific: The Recent Elevation of the Land at the Cape of Good Hope. SMH, 13 December 1854. Refer 18 November 1854.
The Gold Fields of the Russian Empire. SMH. Unsigned, in three parts. Possibly by W.S. Jevons. I (23 December 1854), II (6 January 1855), III (14 February 1855) - The Auriferous Deposits of Siberia and the North Flank of Altai.
Gold in the territory of Madras. Referred to in Clarke's 1872 list of publications.
Catalogue of a Collection containing several hundred specimens illustrative of the Mineralogy and Geology of New South Wales, in BRITISH CATALOGUE OF THE EXPOSITION UNIVERSALLE, PARIS. London, 1855, 99-103.
On the Gold Fields of New South Wales, in BRITISH CATALOGUE OF THE EXPOSITION UNIVERSALLE, PARIS. London, 1855, 103-5.
On the Coal Fields of New South Wales, in BRITISH CATALOGUE OF THE EXPOSITION UNIVERSALLE, PARIS. London, 1855, 105-8.
Alma and Sebastopol. SMH 10 January 1855. Letter to the editor, signed and dated 'W.B.C. St. Leonards, 5th January 1855.'
Calvert, John. On the Supply of Gold from Australia, and from English Rocks. SMH, 20 January 1855. Copy of a paper read to the British Association and extracted from the Mining Journal of 7 October 1854. Critical of W.B. Clarke's views.
Davidson, Simpson. The Origin of Alluvial Gold. The Empire, 8 February 1855. Letter to the editor. Critical of the gold theories of Clarke and Murchison.
On the Occurrence of Obsidian Bombs in the Auriferous Alluvia of New South Wales [Abridged]. JGS, 1855, XI, 403-4. Read on 7 March 1855.
On the Occurrence of Fossil Bones in the Auriferous Alluvia of Australia. JGS, 1855, XI, 405-8. Read on 7 March 1855.
Notes on the Geology of New South Wales (Permian, Devonian, and Silurian) [Abstract]. JGS, 1855, XI, 408. Extracts from a letter to Sir Roderick Murchison. Read on 7 March 1855.
The Earthquake in New Zealand, of 23 January, 1855. SMH, 12 March 1855. Signed and dated 'W.B.C. March 7, 1855.'
Sydney Buildings. SMH, 10 April 1855. Letter to the editor, signed and dated 'W.C. Sydney, 7th April, 1855.' Possibly by Clarke.
The Old World and the New. SMH, 20 & 27 April 1855. Discussion of a lecture given by M. Marcel de Serres, Professor of Mineralogy and Geology at Montpellier. Lead articles, unsigned.
Gold in India. SMH, 23 May - 19 September 1855. Letters to the editor containing extracts of reports on aspect of Indian geology, incorporating material from individuals such as Lieutenant Aytoun. I (23 May); II (23 August); III (10 September) - Lt Aytoun's Geological Report on the Belgaum Collectorate. Part I; IV (19 September) - Lt Aytoun's Geological Report on the Belgaum Collectorate. Part II.
Review of Further Papers relative to the Discovery of Gold in Australia, presented to both Houses of Parliament, by command of Her Majesty, December 1854, London 1855. SMH 25 June 1855. Includes geological reports by Clarke.
Davidson, Simpson, 1855. The Discovery of Alluvial Gold. The Empire, 17 September. Letter to the editor, critical of Clarke.
Tasmanian Contributions to the Paris Exhibition. SMH, 8 & 15 October 1855. Review of the accompanying catalogue.
Funeral of Sir Thomas Mitchell. SMH, 10 October 1855. Includes detailed obituary notice.
Review of Meteorology - Notice of an accurate and easily applied Method of Ascertaining the Direction of the Wind by observing the reflected Image of Clouds, by Thomas Stevenson, FRSE, CE, as originally published in Anderson's Journal. SMH, 2 November 1855. Signed 'W.B.C.'
Gold on the Hunter. SMH, 12 November 1855. Signed & dated 'W.B.C. St Leonard's, November 7, 1855.'
Anon. Gold Discoveries. Nottingham Guardian, 6 December 1855. Letter re W.B. Clarke's involvement in Australian gold discoveries.
Select Committee on the City Commissioners. SMH, 20 December 1855. Letter to the editor, signed & dated 'W.B. Clarke, St Leonard's, December 19.'
The Dead which are Blessed: a sermon preached in the church of St Thomas, Willoughby, N.S.W. on Sunday, 2nd March, 1856, the day after the funeral of the late Rear-Admiral Phillip Parker King, M.C. Joseph Cook & Co., Church Press, Sydney, 1856. Copy at ML MSS119/118/5.
Davidson, Simpson, 1856. William Howitt on Gold. The Empire, 3 April. Letter to the editor. Discusses Clarke's gold theories and discoveries.
{Easter Sunday - Clarke suffers a mild stroke and his parishioners send him to his sister in Green Ponds, Tasmania for rest. Whilst there he undertakes a survey of the Fingal goldfield}
Tasmanian Goldfield Reports. Clarke wrote 4 reports for the Fingal Gold Committee (19 June and 11 November 1856), and 2 for the Tasmanian Gold Committee in 1859.
Report of the Fingal Gold Committee. Colonial Times & Tasmania, 23 May 1856; Hobart Town Gazette, 23 June 1856; SMH, 24 June 1856; Daily News, 24 June 1856; Hobart Town Gazette, 12 August 1856, p115; Colonial Times & Tasmania, 13 August 1856. See also under 15 May 1859.
Report on the Gold Field at Fingal, Tasmania (No.1). Hobart Town Government Gazette, June 1856; Parliamentary Blue Book, London, 1857, 22, 82-4. Dated 'Green Ponds, 19 June 1856.'
Report on the Analysis of two specimens of Auriferous Quartz, from Fingal, Tasmania (No.2). Hobart Town Government Gazette, August 1856; Parliamentary Blue Book, London, 1857, 22, 87-9. Dated 'Parsonage, St Leonard's, New South Wales, July 28 1856.'
Report on the Analysis of Auriferous Quartz specimens from Frenchman's Gap, Macquarie Harbour, Tullochgorum House, and Black Boy Flats, Tasmania (No.3). Hobart Town Government Gazette, October 1856; Parliamentary Blue Book, London, 1857, 22, 95-7. Dated 'St Leonard's, New South Wales, September 27, 1856.'
Further report on the Analysis of Auriferous Quartz, from the neighbourhood of Fingal and Swanport, Tasmania (No.4). Hobart Town Government Gazette, November 1856; Parliamentary Blue Book, London, 1857, 22, 99-101. Dated 'St Leonard's, New South Wales, November 11, 1856.'
Table of the Product of rocks from Port Davey and Clerk's Reef. Parliamentary Blue Book, London, 1857, 22, 102. Dated 'St Leonard's, New South Wales, November 12, 1856.'
Davidson, Simpson, 1856. The Granite Gold of New England. ?SMH, August. Signed and dated 'Simpson Davidson, Sydney, 13th August 1956.' Article critical of Clarke's gold theories.
The Discovery of Gold in Australia. SMH, 3 September 1856. Unsigned. Extracts from Clarke's northern goldfields reports of 1853.
Additional Notice of the occurrence of Volcanic Bombs in Australasia [Abstract]. JGS, 1857, XIII, 188; Philosophical Magazine, London, 1857, XIII, 147. Read to the Geological Society on 17 December 1856.
Observations made at St. Leonards during the Solar Eclipse, March 26, 1857. SMH, 9 April 1857; Transactions of the Royal Astronomical Society, London, 1857. Article signed and dated 'W.B.C. 29th March 1857.'
Dr. Leichhardt. SMH, 18 June 1857. Signed 'Z.'
Observations made at St. Leonards, North Sydney, during the Eclipse of the Sun, 18 September, 1857. By Rev. W.B. Clarke, M.A., &c. SMH, 25 September 1857.
Influence of the Monsoons on the climate of Sydney. SMH, 27 October 1857. Letter to the editor, signed and dated 'W.B. Clarke, St Leonard's, 22nd October.'
Viscomte d'Archaic, 1857. PROGRES DE LA GEOLOGIE. Paris, Appendice, VII, 689-92. Discusses the problem of the age of the New South Wales coal beds, mentioning Clarke's views.
Notes on Some Geological Specimens collected by Charles Grant Robertson, Esq., of Duntroon, near Queenbeyan, N.S.Wales. Sydney Magazine of Science and Art, 1858, I, 135-6.
Anon. Indian Mutiny Relief Fund. SMH, 13 April 1858. Report on meeting held at St Leonard's, at which Clarke was elected chairman of the committee.
Anon. Tribute to W.B. Clarke. SMH, 20 May 1858. Contains a tribute to W.B. Clarke's Australian geological work, plus an itinerary of his European, British, and other geological tours between 1817-39, prior to his arrival in New South Wales. Reprinted SMH 10 June 1858.
The Goldfields of Tasmania. SMH, 20 May 1858. Copy of correspondence between W.B. Clarke and William Henty, Colonial Secretary of Tasmania, offering Clarke a position as official Government Geologist. Reprinted SMH 10 June 1858.
Davidson, Simpson, 1858. Gold mining on the Rocky River. SMH, 7 June. Makes reference to Clarke.
Gold in Granite. SMH, 15 June 1858. Letter to the editor, signed 'W.B. Clarke.' See also the SMH article 'Science and the Arts' of 7 June which refers to English geologist Sir Henry Sorby, and to which Clarke makes reference.
Sublimation of Gold. SMH, July 1858. Signed and dated 'W.B. Clarke. 22nd July 1858.' Reproduced in RESEARCHES IN THE SOUTHERN GOLDFIELDS (1860, 58-60).
Leichhardt and the Desert. SMH, 30 July - 20 October 1858. Five letters to the editor, signed 'W.B. Clarke, St Leonard's' and dated. Published as follows: 1 (30 July); 2 (5 August); 3 (24 August); 4 (10 September); 5 (20 October).
Review of REMARKS ON THE MAINTENANCE OF MACADAMISED ROAD by Sir John Burgoyne. SMH, 3 August 1858. Unsigned. Part 1.
Letter to the Brethren. St Thomas's Church, St Leonards, 27 August 1858.
Anon. Report on the Rev. W.B. Clarke's articles on the fate of Dr. Leichhardt. SMH, 10 September 1858.
Sermon, delivered on 27 August 1858. Sydney, 1858. Privately printed pamphlet.
On the Ores of Mercury. Sydney Magazine of Science and Art, 1859, II, 157-61, 170-3. Read before the Philosophical Society on 8 September 1858.
Gregory's Expedition. SMH, 20 September 1858. Letter to the editor, signed and dated 'W.B. Clarke. St Leonard's, 18th September 1858.'
The Comet. SMH, 19 October 1858. Unsigned. Historic article.
Leichhardt and the Desert, SMH, 20 October 1858.. Letter to the editor. Signed and dated `W.B. Clarke. St. Leonard's, 18th October'.
The Six Comets of 1858. SMH, 29 October 1858. Letter to the editor, signed and dated 'W.B. Clarke. St. Leonard's, October 26.'
Jevons, W.S., 1858. Canoona Diggings in a Scientific Aspect. SMH, 29 October. Letter to the editor, referring to Clarke.
Canoona Diggings. SMH, 30 October 1858. Letter to the editor, signed and dated 'W.B. Clarke. 29th October 1858.' Comments by Clarke on a letter by William Stanley Jevons which appeared in the SMH the previous day.
Anon. Notes on Victorian Geology by the Rev. W.B. Clarke. Melbourne Argus, 15 November 1858.
F.N. Isaac. `The Fate of Leichhardt'. SMH, 26 November 1858. Letter to the editor, signed and dated `F.N. Isaac. Gowrie, November 9th'. Reply to Clarke's letter of 18th October.
2 December 1858: `South Australia. The Barrier and Grey Ranges (To the Editor of the Adelaide Observer)', SMH, 2 December 1858. Signed `Eureka.' Includes copy of a letter by Clarke.
Church of England Conference reports. 26, 27, 30 November & 1, 3, 7, 10 December 1858.
On the Search for Leichhardt and the Australian Desert. Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society, London, III, 1858-9, 87-89.
Lettre a M. le Viscomte d'Archiac, sur la Geologie de la Nouvelle-Galles du Sud. Bulletin de la Geol. Soc. de France, Paris, 1859. Letter from Clarke re Australian geology.
Death by Lightning. SMH, 4 March 1859. Letter to the editor, signed and dated 'W.B. Clarke. 3rd March, 1859.'
De Zigno, Baron A., 1859. Some observations on the flora of the Oolite. JGS, XVI, 4 May, 110-5. Refers to Clarke.
Report (No.5) to the Government and Gold Committee, Tasmania. Hobart Town Government Gazette, 17 May 1859, 745-6. Includes a letter from Clarke to Hon. T.D. Chapman regarding W.A. Tully's report.
Report (No.6) to the Government and Gold Committee, Tasmania. Hobart Town Government Gazette, 18 June 1859.
Murchison, R.I., 1859. SILURIA. London, 3rd edition, 1859. Contains references to the work of W.B. Clarke.
Leichhardt, L., and Clarke, W.B., 1860. Journal of Dr Leichhardt's expedition from the Darling Downs to the Maranoa during August-September 1846, edited by Rev. W.B. Clarke, M.A., &c., in WAUGH'S AUSTRALIAN ALMANAC & COUNTRY DIRECTORY FOR THE YEAR 1860, Sydney, 54-66.
Clarke, Morduant Shipley, 1860. Letter to the editor from Clarke's son. ?SMH. Signed and dated '3 March 1860.'
Anon. Rev. W.B. Clarke's Opinion of the Auriferous Character of the Country in the Neighbourhood of the Snowy River. The Empire, 13 March 1860. A discussion based on Clarke's 1851-52 reports from the southern goldfields.
Clarke, Morduant Shipley, 1860. THE CLAIMS OF REV. W.B. CLARKE, M.A., F.G.S. Reading & Wellbank, Sydney, 32p. Published by Clarke's son Mordaunt, without his father's knowledge.
Anon. Review of THE CLAIMS OF REV. W.B. CLARKE. SMH, 27 March 1860.
D.J., 1860. Lightning Conductors. SMH, 10 April. Article, making reference to Clarke's earlier studies on this subject.
A Communication from the Reverend W.B. Clarke, of Sydney, to His Excellency Sir Henry Barkly, K.C.B., &c., &c., President of the Royal Society of Victoria, on Professor McCoy's "New Toeniopteris" from the Coal-bearing Rocks of the Cape Patterson District in particular, and on the Evidence bearing on the Question of the Age of Australian Coal-beds in general. TPRSV, 1860, V, 89-95. Read on 25 June 1860. Signed and dated 'W.B. Clarke. St. Leonard's, 1st June, 1860.'
McCoy, Frederick, 1860. A Commentary on "A Communication made by the Rev. W.B. Clarke to His Excellency Sir Henry Barkly, K.C.B., &c., &c., President of the Royal Society of Victoria, on Professor McCoy's new Toeniopteris, &., &c." TPRSV, V, 96-107. Read on 25 June 1860.
RESEARCHES IN THE SOUTHERN GOLDFIELDS OF NEW SOUTH WALES. Reading & Wellbank, Sydney, 1860, vii, 305. This book is a compilation of Clarke's southern goldfield reports of 1851-2, plus new material on weather and geology. Introduction dated 'Parsonage, St Leonards, 28th August, 1860.' Contents: I Introductory - The Southern Gold Fields; II Shoalhaven and Araluen Gold Fields - Reports I - III; III Yalwal and Clyde Districts; IV Gold in Granite; V Geology of the Country between the Shoalhaven and Murrumbidgee - Reports IV - VI; VI Geological structure and Auriferous character of the Counties of Cowley, Beccleuch, Selwyn, Wynyard, and Goulburn; VII Auriferous Localities in S.W. of Maneero, and along the Alps to Omeo - Report VII; VIII Gold Localities between Bobundara and the Alps - Reports VIII - XI; IX Reports XII - XIII; X Report XIV; XI Reports XV - XVI; XII Climate and Vegetation of the Alps; XIII Reports XVII - XVIII; XIV Carboniferous formation bordering the Gold Fields; XV Quartz Mining; Appendices - A Metalliferous Quartz and its commercial value; B Gold Working - Associated Minerals, &c., Gems, Metals, and other Minerals associated with gold alluvia; C New South Wales a Diamond Country; D Detection of Spurious Gold; E Assays of Gold; F Separation of Gold from Mundic Quartz; G Notes on the Altitudes of gold-bearing rocks; H Fossils of the Southern District; I Synopsis of facts and services connected with the discovery of gold.
RESEARCHES IN THE SOUTHERN GOLDFIELDS OF NEW SOUTH WALES. 2nd edition, Reading & Wellbank, Sydney, 1860, vii, 305. Appears identical to the 1st edition apart from the title page and addendum.
Anon. Scientific Gold Seeking. The Empire, 1 & 6 September, 1860. Review of Clarke's RESEARCHES IN THE SOUTHERN GOLDFIELDS.
Anon. Rev. W.B. Clarke's Goldfield Research. Yass Courier, Wednesday, 5 September 1860. Lead article.
Clarke, Mordaunt Shipley, 1860. Letter to the editor, SMH, ?September.
Smyth, R. Brough, 1860. Review of RESEARCHES IN THE SOUTHERN GOLDFIELDS. Melbourne Herald, September.
Hux, John A., 1860. The Gold Fields of New South Wales. SMH, 10 September. Letter to the editor. Includes a copy of a letter from W.B. Clarke.
Capt. Denham and the HMS Herald. The Empire, 11 September 1860. Review article.
Anon. Review of W.B. Clarke's RESEARCHES IN THE SOUTHERN GOLDFIELDS. SMH, 20 October 1860.
Review of Capt. Perry's Anti-collision Dial. The Empire, 26 September 1860.
Remarks on Professor McCoy's Commentary on a new Toeniopteris, &c. TPRSV, 1860, V, 209-14. Read on 10 December 1860.
McCoy, Frederick, 1860. Note on the Rev. Mr. Clarke's "Remarks," &c. TPRSV, V, 215-7. Read on 10 December 1860.
Clarke, W.B., Ward, R.T., and Guise, J.W. Rules and Regulations of the Willoughby Church of England Parochial Association in connection with the Church Society, J. Cook & Co., Sydney, [n.d.], 3p.
Sur la Formation Carbonifere de l'Australie. Bulletin de la Geol. Societie de France, Paris, 1861, Series 2, XVIII, 669-73.
[Hargraves, Edward Hammond, and Patterson, John], 1861. Australian Gold Fields. The Empire, 28 January. Critical of Clarke's claims to the discovery of gold in Australia.
Hargraves Against the World. The Empire, 4 February 1861. Letter to the editor, signed 'W.B. Clarke, 28th January. Reply to Hargraves' article of 28 January.
Anon. Notice of Select Committee into the Claims of Rev. W.B. Clarke. SMH, 12 March 1861.
Anon. Public Services of Rev. W.B. Clarke. SMH, 13 March 1861. Report on Legislative Assembly discussion of the 12th.
Select Committee. SMH, 15 March 1861. Letter to the editor re the W.B. Clarke Select Committee. Signed 'W.B. Clarke, St Leonard's, 13th March.
On the Relative Position of certain Plants in the Coal-bearing Beds of Australia. JGS, 1861, XVII, 354-64; The Geologist, London, 1861, IV, 209; Philosophical Magazine, London, 1861, 4th Series, XXI, 537. Read to the Geological Society on 20 March 1861.
'A Northern Digger' [W.J. French]. Geologists and Gold Diggers. SMH, 11 April 1861. Letter to the editor re the Clarke Select Committee. See also 5 September 1862.
Various, 1861. Claims of the Rev. W.B. Clarke: Progress Report from the Select Committee on the Claims of Reverend W.B. Clarke, together with the Proceedings of the Committee, Minutes of Evidence, and Appendix. 3 May 1861. V&PLA, Sydney, 2, 50p.
Murchison, R.I., 1861. Presidential Address. Journal of the Royal Geographical Society, London, XXXI, September. Makes reference to Clarke.
Murchison, R.I., 1861. Observations on Australia. Address to the Geological Section. British Association for the Advancement of Science, 5 September.
McCoy, Frederick, [1861]. Note on the Ancient and Recent Natural History of Victoria. MNH, 3rd series, 1862, IX, 137-50. Article dated 30 September 1861.
Various, 1861. Report from the Select Committee on the Services of the Rev. W.B. Clarke; together with the Proceedings of the Committee. 18 October 1861. V&PLA, Sydney, 2, 5p.
The Coal Fields of New South Wales, in CATALOGUE OF NATURAL AND INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS, NEW SOUTH WALES INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION. Government Printer, Sydney, 1861, 81-6. Signed 'W.B.C., St Leonard's, 19th October 1861.
The Coal-field of New South Wales. Colliery Guardian, London, II, 150, 197, 276.
Lachlan and Peak Range Gold Fields. SMH, 21 November 1861. Letter to the editor, signed and dated 'W.B. Clarke. St Leonard's, 11th November.'
Geology of Australasia: On some recent Geological discoveries in Australasia and the correlation of the Australian formations with those of Europe. SMH, 2 December 1861. Text of a lecture delivered to the Philosophical Society of New South Wales on 20 November 1861. Signed 'W.B. Clarke.'
RECENT GEOLOGICAL DISCOVERIES IN AUSTRALIA. J. Cook, Sydney, 1861, second edition, with notes and addenda, 34p, appendix 26p. Based on the paper presented to the Philosophical Society of New South Wales on 20 November 1861. Signed and dated 'W.B. Clarke, 9 December 1861.'
Australian Exploration. Memorandum on the recent journeys of exploration across the continent of Australia. Sydney Mail, 21 December 1861. Signed and dated 'W.B. Clarke. St Leonard's, 9th December, 1861.'
On the Coal Seams at Stony Creek (junction of Singleton and Wollombi roads), West Maitland District, New South Wales. TPRSV, 1865, VI, 27-31, plates 1-2. Read 23 December 1861.
On the Carboniferous and other Geological Relations of the Maranoa District in Queensland in Reference to a Discovery of Zoological Fossils in Wollombilla Creek and Stoney Creek, West Maitland. TPRSV, 1865, VI, 32-42. Read 30 December 1861.
McCoy, Frederick, [1861]. Remarks on a Series of Fossils collected at Wollumbilla, and transmitted by Rev. W.B. Clarke, of Sydney. TPRSV, 1865, VI, 42-6. Read to the Society on 30 December 1861.
On the Occurrence of Mesozoic and Permian Faunae in Eastern Australia. JGS, XVIII, 244-7; Philosophical Magazine, London, 1862, 4th Series, XXIII, 558; The Geologist, London, 1862, V, 184.
On the Age of the New South Wales Coal-fields. MNH, 1862, X, 81-6; The Empire, 21 October 1862. Signed and dated 'W.B. Clarke. St. Leonard's, New South Wales, April 26, 1862.'
Mr Buchanan. Report of £5000 to be placed on Estimates for reimbursement of Rev. W.B. Clarke. SMH, 4 June 1862. Report on matters raised in the Legislative Assembly on 3 June.
Review - READING LESSONS: ADVANCED SERIES, edited by Edward Hughes. 4 volumes. SMH, 4 November 1862.
Anon. Testimonial to W.B. Clarke's involvement in Australian geological discoveries. SMH, 6 November 1862. Report on debate in Parliament over Clarke's claims.
Anon. Rewards for Public Services in New South Wales. The Empire, 22 November 1862. Editorial defending the Parliamentary Select Committee payment to W.B. Clarke for his gold discoveries.
'Historicus' (William Bland), 1862. Rewards for Public Services. The Empire, 8 December. Private advertisement / article critical of the £5000 awarded to Clarke by Select Committee.
French, W.J., 1862 Geologists and Gold Diggers. SMH, 8 December. Letter to the editor. See also 5 September 1885.
Christianity. The Empire, 15 December 1862. Letter to the editor, signed and dated 'Orthodox. St Leonard's, North Shore, December 1.'
Clarke - Bland Correspondence. The Empire, 18 December 1862. Letter to the editor, reproducing a series of letters between Clarke and W. Bland.
To W. Bland, Esq. The Empire, 30 December 1862. Letter to the editor, signed 'W.B. Clarke, 29th December 1862.'
Victorian Generosity. SMH. Letter to the editor, signed 'W.B. Clarke, St Leonard's, 29th December 1862.'
Storms. ? SMH, June 1863. Letter to the editor, dated 11 June 1863.
Daintree, Richard, 1863. Geological Notes, with Plan and Section, by Richard Daintree, Field Geologist, Victoria. The Yeoman and Australian Acclimatiser, Melbourne, 100, 29 August, 753-5. Comments on the dispute over the age of the New South Wales coal-beds, agreeing with Clarke's determinations, against those of McCoy.
Daintree, Richard, 1863. Age of the New South Wales Coal-Beds. SMH, 7 September. Reprint of Richard Daintree's Yeoman article of 29 August 1863, with an editorial forward (by Clarke?) strongly defensive of his reputation and critical of Professor McCoy.
Egerton, Sir P. de M. Grey. On some Ichtyolites from New South Wales, forwarded by the Rev. W.B. Clarke. JGS, 1864, 12(1), 1-5, plate I. Read at the meeting of the Geological Society on 4 November 1863. This article is a description of 4 fossil fish specimens which Clarke had sent to Egerton for identification and dating. Egerton named one of the fish Myriolepis Clarkei, in his honour.
Philosophical Society. SMH, 12 & 19 November 1863. Reports on the meeting of 11 November. Includes brief comments from Clarke on prehistoric stone implements from England, and religious beliefs of Australian Aborigines.
Notes by the Rev. W.B. Clarke upon Western Australian Specimens. Perth Gazette, 18 March 1864; SMH, 23rd June, 1864.
Notes on Western Australian gold specimens. Signed 'W.B. Clarke, February 14th, 1864.'
Sermon preached in St. Thomas's Church, Willoughby, in aid of Funds for the Relief of Sufferers by Floods in the Agricultural Districts of the Colony, on Sunday Morning, July 14th 1864. Sydney, 1864, 16p.
Remarks on Australian Storms. Transactions of the Philosophical Society of New South Wales, 1862-65, Sydney, 1866. Read at the meeting of the Society on 7 September 1864, being a review of a lecture 'On Australian Storms' by John Tebbutt Jnr. See also SMH 8 September 1864 for a report of the meeting.
Crawford, J.C. and Clarke, W.B. New Zealand - Geological Report. SMH, 11 & 12 October 1864. Report by the Government Geologist of Wellington, New Zealand. Includes a catalogue and analyses by W.B. Clarke of some New Zealand rocks.
Sections placed in their Relative Positions showing the Strata and Seams of Coal at present observed at & near Newcastle in New South Wales. J. Mackenzie, Examiner of Coal Fields, and Rev. W.B. Clarke, M.A., F.G.S. J. Mack, Sydney, 1865, 6p.
Anon. The Coal Fields of New South Wales. Mining Journal, London, 1865, XXXIII, 749. Remarks on sections prepared by the Rev. W.B. Clarke and J. McKenzie.
Obituary of W.S. McLeay. SMH, 30 January 1865.
Unsigned. Alleged Gold-field at the Head of the Nepean River, New South Wales. SMH, 4 March 1865; The Geological Magazine, London, 1865, II, 330-4.
To the Ladies of the Morning and Evening Congregations .... Subscribers for the Presentation of a Gown to the Rev. W.B. Clarke, M.A.
Poem. St Thomas's Church, St Leonards, 23 March 1865.
Prayer for Rain. St Thomas's Church, St Leonards, 1 April 1865.
On the Transmutation of Rocks in Australia, with Photographic Illustratrations of Examples from the Neighbourhood of Sydney. SMH, 24, 25 & 26 May 1865. Read to the Philosophical Society on 10 May 1865. Also reviewed in SMH on 11 May 1865. See 11 April 1866 below for an updated and expanded version.
Kerosene Oil. SMH, 5 May 1865. Letter to the editor, signed and dated 'W.B. Clarke. St Leonards, 3rd May.'
Review - POEMS by John Le Gay Brereton. SMH, 2 June 1865.
Memorandum on the So-Called "Tertiary River" near Clermont. The Peak Downs Telegraph & Queensland Mining Record, 2 September 1865.
Anon. Report on the meeting of the Philosophical Society. SMH, 7 September 1865.
On Merimbula Lignite. 1865. Referred to in Clarke's 1872 list of publications. Not located.
Catalogue of Specimens from the Wianamatta and Hawkesbury Rocks, overlying the Productive Upper Coal Measures of New South Wales. Sydney, 1866.
Barton, G.B, 1866. LITERATURE IN NEW SOUTH WALES. Government Printer, Sydney, 163-6. Reviews Clarke's RESEARCHES IN THE SOUTHERN GOLDFIELDS (1860).
Leichhardt, L., and Clarke, W.B., 1866. Notes on the Geology of Parts of New South Wales and Queensland [by Ludwig Leichhardt], made in 1842-43. Published in Germany in 1847. Translated by G.H.F. Ulrich, Esq. (of the Geological Survey of Victoria), and edited by Rev. W.B. Clarke, M.A., F.G.S. Part 1, 55p, & Part 2, 25p. Sydney, 1866; WAUGH'S AUSTRALIAN ALMANAC & COUNTRY DIRECTORY FOR THE YEAR 1867. Sydney, 1867, 29-55.
Notes on the Geology of Western Australia - Description of Mr Hunt's Specimens, East of York, Western Australia. Perth Gazette, 2 April 1866; SMH, 1 June 1866; The Geological Magazine, London, 1866, III, 503-6, 551-7. Signed 'W.B. Clarke, 21st March 1866.'
On the Transmutation of Rocks in Australia [1865]. Transactions of the Philosophical Society of New South Wales, 1862-65, Sydney, 1866, 267-308. Initially read to the Society on 10 May 1865, though the published article bears a postscript signed and dated 'W.B.C. St Leonards, 11th April 1866.'
On the Occurrence and Geological Position of Oil-bearing Deposits in New South Wales. JGS, 1866, XXII, 439-48; Philosophical Magazine, 1866, XXXI, 481-2; SMH, 30 January 1867. Read to the Geological Society of London on 11 April 1866. Hall, Edward Smith.
[Untitled]. SMH, 8 June 1866. Letter to the editor re geological matters, to which Clarke wrote a reply.
Division of Auriferous and Non-Auriferous Quartz Reefs. SMH, 9 June 1866. Letter to the editor, signed 'W.B. Clarke, 8th June' and commenting on E.S. Hall's letter.
Anon. Rev. W.B. Clarke on the Auriferous and Non-auriferous Quartz Reefs of Australia. The Geological Magazine, London, 1866, III(30), 561-2.
Krefft, G, 1866. Professor McCoy and the Rev. W.B. Clarke. SMH, 20 July.
McCoy, Frederick, 1866. The Thylaoleo and Moa. SMH, 14 August. Reply to G. Krefft's letter of 20 July. See also Krefft's reply of 15 August.
Gold Drifts. SMH, 16 August 1866. Letter to the editor, signed 'W.B. Clarke, St Leonards, 14th August 1866.'
Meteors. SMH, 8 November 1866. Lead article, unsigned.
On Marine Fossiliferous Secondary Formations in Australia. Philosophical Magazine, 1866, XXXII, 544; JGS, 1867, XXVIII, 7-12. Read at the Geological Society of London on 21 November 1866.
Remarks on the Sedimentary Formations of New South Wales. Illustrated with references to other Provinces of Australia. (1st edition), in CATALOGUE OF THE NATURAL AND INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS OF NEW SOUTH WALES, FORWARDED TO THE PARIS UNIVERSAL EXHIBITION OF 1867, BY THE NEW SOUTH WALES EXHIBITION COMMISSIONERS. Government Printer, Sydney, 1867, 65-80; OFFICIAL RECORD OF THE INTERCOLONIAL EXHIBITION OF AUSTRALASIA. Melbourne, 1867; American Journal of Science and Art, 1868, 2nd series, XLV, 334-53.
Inaugural Address to the Royal Society of New South Wales, delivered at the 1st meeting, 9th July, 1867, by W.B. Clarke. TRSNSW, 1868, I, 1-27. Includes a history of the Society.
Anon. Royal Society of New South Wales. SMH, Wednesday, 10 July 1867. Report on the formation of the Royal Society of New South Wales and inaugural address given by the Rev. W.B. Clarke.
On the Auriferous and other Metalliferous Districts of Northern Queensland. TRSNSW, 1868, I, 42-57; Journal of Royal Geographical Society, London, 1868, XII, 138-44. Read to the Royal Society of NSW on 4 September 1867.
Prospector. The Lachlan Gold-Field. The Empire, 27 September 1867.
The Gold Fields in and near the Lachlan District. The Empire, 1 October 1867. Letter to the editor, signed and dated 'W.B. Clarke. St Leonards, 28th September.' Reply to a letter from 'Prospector' of 27 September 1867.
Moths. SMH, October 1867. Letter to the editor, signed and dated 'W.B. Clarke. St Leonards, 10 October, 1867.' Reprinted in H.C. Russell (1877, 28).
Note on the Geology of the Mary River, Queensland. TRSNSW, 1868, I, 76-8. Read to the Royal Society of NSW on 6 November 1867.
Thanksgiving Hymn for the Duke of Edinburgh. Sydney, 28 April 1868, 4p. Privately printed pamphlet.
The Shock of Earthquake. SMH, 22 June 1868. Letter to the editor, unsigned.
On the Causes and Phenomena of Earthquakes, especially in relation to shocks felt in Australia. SMH, 3 September 1868; TRSNSW, 1869, II, 51-6. A lecture delivered to the Royal Society of New South Wales on 2 September 1868. Neither article includes the catalogue of Australian earthquakes 1787-1868 presented with the talk.
Insects on snow, observed in Australia. Zoologist, 1868, III, 1139-40.
Anniversary Address. TRSNSW, 1870, III, 1-22. Delivered on 12 May 1869. Reported SMH, 13 May 1869.
Dinornis, an Australian genus. The Geological Magazine, London, 1869, VI, 383-4. Signed 'W.B. Clarke, F.G.S., 19th May 1869.'
Discovery of Dinornis Bone. SMH, 20 May 1869. Letter to the editor, signed 'W.B. Clarke, St Leonards, 19th May 1869.'
Diamonds at Cudgegong River. Armidale Express, 24 July 1869.
Hymn. Willoughby, 25 August 1869.
Anon. Laying of the Foundation Stone of Christ's Church, North Shore. The Empire, 26 August 1869. Includes text of sermon and hymn by Clarke.
Winthe, S.H., 1869. The Cave Bones from Glenorchy. The Hobart Mercury. Letter to the editor, signed 'S.H. Winthe, Hobart Town, Sept. 3, 1869.' Refers to Clarke.
Anon. St. Thomas's Church, Willoughby, North Shore. ?The Empire or SMH. Signed and dated 'Friday, 24 December 1869.'
The Dinornis and Saurian Remains in Australia. American Journal of Science, 1870, 2nd Series, XLIX, 273.
Wollongongite. SMH, 25 March 1870. Signed 'W.B. Clarke, St Leonards, 22nd March.' Discussion of an Australian oil shale from Hartley erroneously named 'Wollongongite' by Professor Silliman of America, plus reminiscences by Clarke of his excursions with J.D. Dana at Illawarra in 1840.
Moore, C., 1870. On Australian Mesozoic Geology and Palaeontology. JGS, 2 May, 26, 226-61. Compiled with assistance from fossil collections and notes supplied by W.B. Clarke. An abbreviated version entitled 'The Mesozoic Geology and Palaeontology of Western Australia and Queensland' was published in the SMH on 4 & 5 August 1870.
Snow in New South Wales. Letter to H.C. Russell, dated 'St Leonards, May 11, 1870.' Printed in H.C. Russell (1877, 22-3).
Anniversary Address. TRSNSW, 1871, IV, 1-48. Delivered 25 May 1870. Published version signed and dated 'W.B.C. St. Leonard's 28th Feb. 1871.' Includes the following sections: Vice-President's Report; Discovery of Diamonds in New South Wales - Opinions as to their origin; Diamonds in Brazil; Diamonds in India; Diamonds in Russia; Diamonds in Borneo and Africa; Coal in India; Fossils in Lord Howe's Island; Supply of Water. Floods. Climate; Postscript.
Anon. Report on meeting of the Royal Society of New South Wales. SMH, 4 August 1870.
Royal Society - Discussion on the Water Supply. SMH, 5 August 1870. Letter to the editor, signed 'W.B. Clarke, 4th August.'
Queensland Fossils. SMH, 5 August 1870.
Anon. Report on meeting of the Royal Society of New South Wales. SMH, 5 November 1870.
Report on Lithgow Valley coal seams. 1870. Not located - referred to in 1872 list of publications.
The Coal Measures of Australia - Wollongongite. Mining Journal, London, 1870, XLI, 178.
Remarks on the Sedimentary Formations of New South Wales. Illustrated with references to other Provinces of Australia. (2nd edition), in INDUSTRIAL PROGRESS OF NEW SOUTH WALES: BEING A REPORT OF THE INTERCOLONIAL EXHIBITION OF 1870, AT SYDNEY, TOGETHER WITH A VARIETY OF PAPERS ILLUSTRATIVE OF THE INDUSTRIAL RESOURCES OF THE COLONY. Government Printer, Sydney, 1871, 505-31. Signed 'St Leonards, 31st December 1870.'
On the Progress of Gold Discovery in Australasia, from 1860 to 1871. INDUSTRIAL PROGRESS OF NEW SOUTH WALES. Government Printer, Sydney, 1871, 23p.
Anon. Address and Testimonial to the Rev. W.B. Clarke. SMH, 12 January 1871. Report on the retirement of Rev. Clarke from the Rectorship of St Thomas', St Leonard's, held since 1846.
Discovery of Diamonds in New South Wales - Opinions as to their origins. Chemical News, 1871, XXIV, 16-18, 40-42, 64-6, 78-80.
Anniversary Address. TRSNSW, 1873, VI, 1-66. Delivered 22 May 1872. Includes the following sections: Vice-President's Report; Expedition to New Guinea; Diamond Field of Bahia; African Diamond Fields; Gold Fields; Tin and Copper; Copper; Explorations in Queensland; Opals; Conclusion; Appendices - A. Discovery of Diamonds in New South Wales - Opinions as to their origins; B. Weights and measures; C. Extracts from Reports and Evidence by Rev. W.B. Clarke, in reference to the discovery of Tin in New South Wales.
Anon. Rev. W.B. Clarke on Mineral Products. Town & Country Journal, Sydney, 25 May 1872. Report on the meeting of the Royal Society of New South Wales, 22 May 1872.
Anon. Tin Ore. SMH, 9 July 1872.
Anon. Rev. W.B. Clarke. The Sydney Mail, Saturday, 13 July 1872. Biography and list of 'Miscellaneous Published Notices and Memoirs' issued by Clarke, plus an engraved portrait.
Report of visit to Murrurundi district. Town and Country Journal, Sydney, 12 April 1873.
Anniversary Address. TRSNSW, 1874, VII, 1-51. Delivered 25 June and 6 August 1873. Includes the following sections: Vice-President's Report; Discovery of Australia; Recent Explorations in Northern Australia and Queensland; Queensland Mesozoic Fossils; Coal; Metalliferous Areas; Cinnabar; Conclusions. Appendices - A. Notice of Glossopteris from Brisbane shale; B. Expenses of Geological Surveys.
Anon. Report on the Anniversary Address delivered by the Rev. W.B. Clarke to the Royal Society of New South Wales on 25 June, 1873. SMH, 26 June, 1873.
Wilkinson, C.T. and Clarke, W.B., 1873. Report on the Inverell Tin-Bearing Country: Enclosing the report (No.VIII) of 7 May 1853 by the Rev. W.B. Clarke, on the geology of the New England district. Government Printer, Sydney, 12p.
Santa Cruz (Notes on the death of Commodore Goodenough). Churchman's Office, Sydney, 1874, 10p.
Report on the Tumut and Adelong Mining District. Mines and Mineral Statistics of New South Wales for 1874, Government Printer, Sydney, 14-15.
The New Guinea explorations of Dr. Meyer. SMH, 21 February 1874. Unsigned.
Chinese Coal Fields. SMH, 20 March 1874. Unsigned.
Anon. Tribute to W.B. Clarke upon retirement as Trustee of the Australian Museum. SMH, 31 October, 1874.
Anniversary Address. TPRSNSW, 1876, IX, 1-56. Delivered 12 May 1875. Signed and dated 'W.B.C. 10/5/75.' Includes the following sections: Vice-President's Report; Scientific Researches on Board H.M.S. Challenger; Lifu Island; Geology of New Caledonia; Plants; Tin.
Remarks on the Sedimentary Formations of New South Wales. Illustrated with references to other Provinces of Australia. (3rd edition), in NEW SOUTH WALES INTERCOLONIAL AND PHILADELPHIA INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION. MINES AND MINERAL STATISTICS OF NEW SOUTH WALES, AND NOTES ON THE GEOLOGICAL COLLECTION OF THE DEPARTMENT OF MINES. Government Printer, Sydney, 1875, 149-206. Signed 'W.B. Clarke, Branthwaite, North Shore, 30th June, 1875.'
Notes on Deep Sea Soundings. Supplement to the Anniversary Address of 12th May. TPRSNSW, 1876, IX, 57-72. Read on 1 December 1875.
Wilkinson, C.T. Report. Department of Mines, Sydney, 1875.
De Konick, L.G., 1876-7. RECHERCHES SUR LES FOSSILES PALEOZOIQUES DE LA NOUVELLE-GALLE DU SUD. Memoires de la Societe Royale des Sciences de Leige, 2nd. series, II, Hayez, Bruxelles. This work contains descriptions of a fossil collection which W.B. Clarke had sent to England during the early 1860s. De Koninck worked on the fossils from 1864 to 1877, with Clarke sponsoring the project.
Anniversary Address. JRSNSW, 1877, X, 1-34. Delivered 17 May 1876.
On the Deep Oceanic Depression off Moreton Bay. JRSNSW, 1877, X, 75-82. Read on 20 July 1876.
Effects of Forest Vegetation on Climate. JRSNSW, 1877, X, 179-235; JRS, 1878. Read at the Royal Society of New South Wales on 1 November 1876, with follow-up discussion on 6 December 1876.
Anon. Presentation of the Murchison Medal to Rev. W.B. Clarke. SMH, 4 May 1877. Citation on the occasion of the awarding of the Murchison Medal of the Royal Society of London to the Reverend W.B. Clarke.
On Dromornis Australis (Owen), a New Fossil Bird of Australia. JRSNSW, 1878, XI, 41-9. Read on 6 June 1877
Anon. Report on the consecration of the new St Thomas' Church, St Leonards, containing the speech made by the former incumbent, the Rev. W.B. Clarke. Sydney Mail, 30 June, 1877.
Notice of a New Fossil Extinct Species of Kangaroo, Sthenurus minor (Owen). JRSNSW, 1878, XI, 209-12. Read on 5 December 1877.
Russell, H.C., 1877. CLIMATE OF NEW SOUTH WALES. DESCRIPTIVE, HISTORICAL & TABULAR. Charles Potter, Acting Government Printer, Sydney. Refers to Clarke (3, 22-27) regarding climate, snow in New South Wales, and moths.
REMARKS ON THE SEDIMENTARY FORMATIONS OF NEW SOUTH WALES - ILLUSTRATED BY REFERENCES TO OTHER PROVINCES OF AUSTRALASIA. (4th edition). Government Printer, Sydney, 1878, 165p, maps and sections. Introductory Notice signed and dated 'Branthwaite, North Shore, 2 June 1878.'
{The Reverend W.B. Clarke died on the morning of Sunday, 16 June 1878}
Biographical & Related Works 1878-1994
{The following section is arranged alphabetically by author}
Andrews, E.C., 1942. The Heroic Period of Geological Work in Australia. JRSNSW, 76, 96-128.
Anon 1878. The Late Rev. W.B. Clarke. SMH, 17 June; Illawarra Mercury, 21 June. Obituary notice.
----. [Rev. W.B. Clarke]. SMH, 18 June. Obituary notice.
----. Funeral of the Rev. W.B. Clarke. SMH, 19 June. ----. Obituary - The Rev. W.B. Clarke. SMH, 20 June.
----. [Rev. W.B. Clarke]. Town and Country Journal, 6 July.
----. [Rev. W.B. Clarke]. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania, 8, 11-12. Obituary notice.
----. Two Australian Geologists: The Rev. W.B. Clarke, M.A., and Richard Daintree, C.M.G. Nature, London, XVIII, 389. Obituary notices.
---- 1879. [Rev. W.B. Clarke]. Proceedings of the Royal Society, London, 28, i-iv. Obituary notice.
---- 1889. Mining Registrar's Report. Government Printer, Melbourne, March, 6. Refers to Clarke's discovery of gold at the Croajingolong goldfield in 1851-2.
---- 1896. Gold Mining in N.S. Wales - The Discovery of Gold. The Australian Star, 8 February.
---- 1916. Historical Notes. Australian Museum Records, Sydney, August.
---- 1931. A CENTURY OF JOURNALISM: THE SYDNEY MORNING HERALD AND ITS RECORD OF AUSTRALIAN LIFE 1831-1931. John Fairfax and Sons, Sydney, 1931, 805p.
Bladen, F.M., 1911. Historical Notes. Public Library of New South Wales, Sydney, 24. Includes a portrait of Clarke.
Branagan, D.F., 1972. Words, Action, People: 150 years of the Scientific Societies in Australia. JRSNSW, 104, 123-41.
---- 1978. Samuel Stutchbury and Reverend W.B. Clarke - Not Quite Equal and Opposite, in 100 YEARS OF AUSTRALIAN SCIENTIFIC EXPLORATIONS, pp 89-98. P. Stanbury (Ed.) Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Sydney.
---- 1992. Samuel Stutchbury and the Australian Museum. Records of the Australian Museum, Supplement 15, 99-110.
British Parliament, 1974-78. BRITISH PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS. Irish University Press, Shennon, Ireland. Refer to volumes 16 & 20, Colonies - Australia, for a reissue of the collection of 'Further Papers Relative to the Recent Discovery of Gold in Australia (1851-56),' which contain Clarke's goldfield reports of the 1850s.
Brown, Ida, 1946. An outline of the history of palaeontology in Australia. PLSNSW, 71, v-xviii.
Carne, J.E., 1911. THE TIN-MINING INDUSTRY AND THE DISTRIBUTION OF TIN ORE IN NEW SOUTH WALES. New South Wales Department of Mines, Mineral Resources No.14, Sydney, 7-15. Discusses Clarke's role in the discovery of tin in Australia.
Clarke, W.B. and Wilkinson, C.S., 1880. Geological Sketch Map of New South Wales, compiled from the original map of the late Revd. W.B. Clarke, M.A., F.R.S., F.G.S., etc. by C.S. Wilkinson, L.S., F.G.S., Government Geologist, Department of Mines - New South Wales. Lithographed and Printed at the Surveyor General's Office, Sydney, N.S.W. Scale: 32 miles to an inch. Also published in the Catalogue of the Sydney International Exhibition, Government Printer, Sydney, 1880.
---- 1882. Geological Sketch Map of New South Wales, compiled from the original map of the late Revd. W.B. Clarke, M.A., F.R.S., F.G.S., etc. by C.S. Wilkinson, L.S., F.G.S., Government Geologist. Government Printer, Sydney. Scale: 28 miles to an inch.
Chalmers, R.O., 1955. Clarke Memorial Lecture - Some Aspects of New South Wales Gemstones. JPRSNSW, 89, 90-108.
Collison-Black, R.D., 1972. PAPERS AND CORRESPODENCE OF WILLIAM STANLEY JEVONS. Volumes 1 & 2, Macmillan, London.
Darragh, T.A., 1977. The First Geological Maps of the Continent of Australia. Journal of the Geological Society of Australia, 24(5), 279-305.
De Konick, L.G., 1898. DESCRIPTIONS OF THE PALAEOZOIC FOSSILS OF NEW SOUTH WALES. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of New South Wales - Palaeontological Series, No.6. Government Printer, Sydney, xiv, 298, 24 plates. English translation by Professor T.W.E. David, Mrs David, and W.S. Dunn of De Konick's original 1876-77 French edition.
Eklin, A.P., 1968. The Challenge to Sciences, 1866; The Challenge of Sciences, 1966, in A CENTURY OF SCIENTIFIC PROGRESS. Royal Society of New South Wales, Sydney, 9-32.
Etheridge, R. Jnr., 1878. [Rev. W.B. Clarke]. Geological Magazine, London, III(V), 79-82.
Feistmantel, Ottokar, 1878-9. Palaeozoische und Mesozoischie Flora des Ostlichen Australians. Palaeontographica, Supp. Bd. III, Lieferung III, Heft 2, 3, 4, Theodor Fischer, Cassel. Descriptions of fossil which W.B. Clarke had sent to Feistmantel, of the Geological Survey of India, in 1876.
---- 1889. Geological and Palaeontological Relations of the Coal and Plant-bearing Beds of Palaeozoic and Mesozoic Age in Eastern Australia and Tasmania. [Abridged]. JRSNSW, 23, 103-18.
---- 1890. GEOLOGICAL AND PALAEONTOLOGICAL RELATIONS OF THE COAL AND PLANT-BEARING BEDS OF PALAEOZOIC AND MESOZOIC AGE IN EASTERN AUSTRALIA AND TASMANIA. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of New South Wales - Palaeontological Series, No.3, Government Printer, Sydney.
Fisher, Gerald, 1973. Rev. W.B. Clarke and the Geological Professorship, 1853: An Extract from the University Registrar's Earliest Records. Record, The University of Sydney Archives, 1(2), August, 8-11.
French, W.J., 1885. Geology and Gold Mining in New South Wales. Australian Town and Country Journal, 5 September. Testimonial to the Rev. W.B. Clarke's southern goldfields reports.
----. Uralla Times. Letter to the editor in defence of his promotion of Clarke's goldfields researches of the 1850s.
Fleet, J., 1939. Pioneers of British Geology - The Works of W.B. Clarke. JRSNSW, 74, 41-66.
---- 1970. THE HISTORY OF GOLD DISCOVERY IN VICTORIA. Hawthorn Press, Melbourne, 495p.
Hatter, A., 1885. Reports of Rev. W.B. Clarke. Town and Country Journal, Sydney, 3 October.
Hill, Dorothy, 1937. Type Specimens of Palaeozoic Corals from New South Wales in W.B. Clarke's First Collection, and in the Strzelecki Collection. Geological Magazine, LXXIV(4), April, 145-53. From the Woodwardian & Sedgwick Museums, Cambridge. See also F. McCoy (1847) for a description of this collection, and T.J. Wright (1994).
Jervis, James, 1926. Historical notes on the lives of George Caley, James Dunlop and the Revs. W.B. Clarke and William Woolls. Parramatta District Historical Society, Journal and Porceedings, 3, 39-48.
---- 1944. Rev. W.B. Clarke, M.A., F.R.S., F.G.S., F.R.G.S. "The Father of Australian Geology". Journal and Proceedings of the Royal Australian Historical Society, Sydney, XXX, 345-458.
---- 1948. W.B. Clarke, in A CENTURY OF THE ENGLISH CHURCH IN NEW SOUTH WALES, pp 206-9. E.C. Rowlands (Ed.) Angus & Robertson, Sydney.
Johns, R.K., (Ed.), 1976. HISTORY AND ROLE OF GOVERNMENT GEOLOGICAL SURVEYS IN AUSTRALIA. Government Printer, South Australian, 112p.
Johnstone, S.M., 1932. Headmasterships of the Rev. W.B. Clarke ... 1839-40, in THE HISTORY OF THE KING'S SCHOOL, PARRAMATTA. The Council of the King's School, Parramatta / The King's School Old Boys' Union, Parramatta, John Sands Ltd., Sydney, 84-93.
La Nauze, J.A., 1949. Jevons in Sydney, in POLITICAL ECONOMY IN AUSTRALIA, pp 26-44. Melbourne University Press, Melbourne. Refers to William Stanley Jevons' acquaintance with Clarke between 1854-9.
Macleod, L.R., 1903. NORTHERN SUBURBS OF TODAY, n.p. Includes a portrait of Clarke.
Maiden, J.H., 1919. A Contribution to a History of the Royal Society of New South Wales. JRSNSW, 54, 215-361. Contains numerous references to W.B. Clarke's contributions to that society and its antecedents.
Martin, Stephen, 1993. A NEW LAND: EUROPEAN PERCEPTIONS OF AUSTRALIA 1788-1850, Allen & Unwin, State Library of New South Wales, St Leonard's, 1993, 167p.
McAfee, Robert J., 1978. Meteorology in New South Wales: its beginnings, 1788-1850. Weatherfront, Sydney, 3-10. Summary of a talk delivered to the Meteorological Society of NSW on 12 April 1978.
McCarthy, G., (Ed.), 1991. A GUIDE TO THE ARCHIVES OF AUSTRALIAN SCIENCE. Thorpe, Melbourne.
---- 1986. A BRIGHT AND SAVAGE LAND - SCIENTISTS IN COLONIAL AUSTRALIA. Collins, Sydney, 192p. A comprehensive study of science and scientists in colonial Australia, with numerous references to Clarke.
---- 1993. A BRIGHT AND SAVAGE LAND - SCIENTISTS IN COLONIAL AUSTRALIA. 2nd edition, Penguin Books, Australia, 240p.
---- 1994. "With pen and hammer." The correspondence of Rev. W.B. Clarke, in USEFUL AND CURIOUS GEOLOGICAL ENQUIRIES BEYOND THE WORLD. PACIFIC - ASIA HISTORICAL THEMES, 19TH INTERNATIONAL INHIGEO SYMPOSIUM. SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA, 4-8 JULY 1994, pp 172-80. D.F. Branagan and G.H. McNally (Eds.) Star Printery, Sydney.
Mozley, Ann, 1965. The Foundations of the Geological Survey of New South Wales. JRSNSW, 98, 91-100.
---- 1965. Richard Daintree: First Government Geologist of Queensland. Queensland Heritage, May 1965, 1(2), 11-16.
---- 1967. Evolution and the Climate of Opinion in Australia, 1840-76. Victorian Studies Quarterly Journal, Indiana University, June, X(4), 411-30. Discusses Clarke's role in the exposition of Darwin's theory of evolution in Australia during the 1860s.
---- 1969. W.B. Clarke, in AUSTRALIAN DICTIONARY OF BIOGRAPHY. Melbourne University Press, Melbourne.
---- 1971. William Branwhite Clarke, in DICTIONARY OF SCIENTIFIC BIOGRAPHY. Charles Schribner, New York, III.
---- Ann, 1975. Sir Richard Owen and His Influence on Australian Zoological and & Palaeontological Science. Records of the Australian Academy of Science, 3(2), November 41-56.
Newland, E., 1983. Sir Roderick Murchison and Australia: a case study of British influence on Australian geological science. M.A. thesis, UNSW, Kensington. (Unpubl.).
Nichols, G.R., 1902-18. THE CHURCH OF ENGLAND IN AUSTRALIA. Sydney, 189. Includes a portrait of Clarke.
Organ, M.K., 1992. W.B. Clarke as Scientific Journalist. Historical Records of Australian Science, 9(1), 1-16.
Royal Society of London, 1970. CATALOGUE OF SCIENTIFIC PAPERS (1800-1900). Johnson Reprint Corporation, New York. Originially issued 1867-77.
Russell, H.C., 1888. Astronomical and Meteorological Workers in New South Wales, 1788 to 1860. Proceedings of the Australian Association for the Advancement of Science, Sydney, 1, 45-94. Discusses W.B. Clarke's work, amongst others, in the field of Australian meteorology.
Silver, Lynette Ramsay, 1986. A FOOL'S GOLD? - WILLIAM TIPPLE SMITH'S CHALLENGE TO THE HARGRAVES MYTH. The Jacaranda Press, Milton, 170p. An account of the discovery of gold in New South Wales in 1851 and events leading up to it.
Skeats, E.W., 1933. Some Founders of Australian Geology. David Lecture No 1, Australian National Research Council, Sydney.
Smith, John, 1879. Anniversary Address. JRSNSW, XIII, 4-23. Obituary notice.
Sorby, H.C., 1879. [Rev. W.B. Clarke]. JGS, XXXV, 44-6. Obituary notice.
Stafford, Robert A., 1988. The long arm of London: Sir Roderick Murchison and imperial science in Australia', in AUSTRALIAN SCIENCE IN THE MAKING, pp 69-101. R.W. Home (Ed.) Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
---- 1991. MURCHISON - SCIENTIST OF EMPIRE. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
Tate, R., 1893. Testimonial to W.B. Clarke. South Australian Register, 27 September. Part of the inaugural address delivered at the Science Congress, Adelaide, on 26 September.
---- 1894. Inaugural Address - Centenary of Geological Progress. Report of the Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science, Adelaide, 5, 1-69.
Tenison-Woods, J., 1882. Hawkesbury Sandstone. SMH, 11 May. Report on Tension-Wood's lecture to the Royal Society of New South Wales which makes numerous references to Clarke's work in delineating this geological formation.
---- 1883. Wianamatta Shales. SMH, 7 July. Report on Tension-Wood's lecture to the Royal Society of New South Wales which makes numerous references to Clarke's work in delineating this geological formation.
Vallance, T.G., 1969. Notes on the Rev. W.B. Clarke's REMARKS ON THE SEDIMENTARY FORMATIONS OF NEW SOUTH WALES. PLSNSW, 93, 488.
---- 1974. Rev. W.B. Clarke and the Geological Professorship, 1853. Record, The University of Sydney Archives, 2(1), May 3-4.
---- 1975. Presidential address. Origins of Australian Geology. PLSNSW, 100(1), 29, 32-34, 36-37.
---- 1981. The Fuss about Coal, in PLANTS AND MAN IN AUSTRALIA, pp 136-76. D.J. & S.G.M. Carr (Eds.) Academic Press, Sydney.
---- 1984. William Branwhite Clarke (1798-1878), in DICTIONARY OF AUSTRALIAN ARTISTS. WORKING PAPER I: PAINTERS, PHOTOGRAPHERS AND ENGRAVERS 1770-1870, A-H, pp 152-3. Joan Kerr (Ed.) Power Institute of Fine Arts, University of Sydney.
---- 1984. Review of THE REMARKABLE REVEREND CLARKE by E. Grainger. Geological Magazine, 121(4), July, 374-5.
---- 1988. Geology, in AUSTRALIANS - A GUIDE TO SOURCES, pp 87-93. D.H. Borchardt and V. Crittenden (Eds.) Fairfax, Syme & Weldon, Sydney.
---- 1992. William Branwhite Clarke (1798-1878)', in DICTIONARY OF AUSTRALIAN ARTISTS, PHOTOGRAPHERS AND ENGRAVERS TO 1870. Joan Kerr (Ed.) Oxford University Press, Melbourne.
Vallance, T.G., and Branagan, D.F., 1968. New South Wales Geology - Its Origin and Growth, in A CENTURY OF SCIENTIFIC PROGRESS, Royal Society of New South Wales, Sydney, 265-79.
Warung, Price, 1895. The Rev. W.B. Clarke, M.A., F.R.S., the Nestor of Australian philosophers. The Cosmos Magazine, Sydney, 1(11), 532-9.
Watson, J.H., 1906-22. NORTH SYDNEY. N.p., 21.
Webster, E.M., 1980. WIRLWINDS IN THE PLAIN: LUDWIG LEICHHARDT - FRIENDS, FOES AND HISTORY. Melbourne University Press, 462p. Describes the prominant role played by the Rev. W.B. Clarke in promoting the explorations of Leichhardt during the 1840s, and the conflict with T.L. Mitchell.
Wharton, J.C., 1911. JUBILEE HISTORY OF PARRAMATTA. Parramatta.
Williams, David, 1990. Meteorology. A series of articles, printed in the Sydney Morning Herald during 1842, by W.B. Clarke. n.p. June. (Unpubl.). Copy of Clarke's Meterology articles and letters published between January - June 1842.
Woolls, William, 1879. Memoir of the Rev. W.B. Clarke, in LECTURES ON THE VEGETABLE KINGDOM, WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO THE FLORA OF AUSTRALIA. Parramatta, 227p.
Wright., A.J., 1994. Notes on the 1849 and 1855 W.B. Clarke Collections in the Sedgwick Museum, Cambridge, in USEFUL AND CURIOUS GEOLOGICAL ENQUIRIES BEYOND THE WORLD. PACIFIC - ASIA HISTORICAL THEMES. 19TH INTERNATIONAL INHIGEO SYMPOSIUM. SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA, 4-8 JULY 1994, pp 181-91. D.F. Branagan and G.H. McNally (Eds.) Star Printery, Sydney.
In the compilation of this bibliography a number of people have been of assistance to the author. Initial thanks must go to the late Professor T.G. Vallance of the Geology Department, Sydney University, who commented on the first draft in 1987 and subsequently suggested many additions and corrections. Though no great fan of the Reverend Clarke, Professor Vallance was nonetheless gracious in offering comments. Secondly, to David Williams of the Sydney Meteorological Bureau, who during 1990 supplied numerous references in relation to Clarke's various meteorological writings, identifying some 30 papers of which I was previously unaware, and corroborating a number I had tentatively included. Thirdly, to thank Ann Moyal, a longtime student of Clarke and transcriber of a large collection of his correspondence, who provided additional references during the process of preparing this material for publication. Thanks are also due to the staff of the Mitchell Library, Sydney, the Wollongong City Library, and the University of Wollongong Library, for the many instances of assistance in obtaining copies of Clarke's numerous publications and access to his extant papers; and Mrs K. von Tryst of the Royal Society of NSW for assistance in preparing the manuscript for publication.
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