Monte Cristo - Australia's most haunted house
Haunted houses are known throughout the world. They feature in story telling and are popular subjects for television and cinema, whether in documentary or fictional form, as many people enjoy a good scare. Society has come to accept them, almost without question. Yet, when asked: "Do you believe in ghosts?" I would suggest that most individuals do not have a clear answer. Having been a fan of the comics and cartoon Casper the Friendly Ghost during my youth in the 1960s, and since then viewed numerous TV shows and movies featuring fantastical and/or realistic spirits, from Ghostbusters through to the dearly departed couple in Beetlejuice, the 'live-action' Casper, and even Obi-Wan Kenobi in Star Wars, I must admit that I have never had any first-hand experience with a ghost, though I have spoken with people who have, and encountered spirits on a couple of occasions. Do I believe in ghosts? Yes. But what do I believe? Well, that is the problem - I am not sure. A recent visit to the front gate of Monte Cristo - an 1884 haunted house located on a hill at Junee, New South Wales, Australia - brought this home to me. The house is undoubtedly haunted - there is ample evidence for that, and much of that 'evidence' will be outlined below.
Some groups and individuals who do not believe in life after death have answers to explain away spirits and hauntings. The Catholic church is one such organisation. But for those who do believe, many questions arise. Why is this house haunted, and not others of the same era or older? And what exactly is the scope of the haunting? Is it the location, or the specific history of the site? British author Kathryn Hulick, in her 2019 book Strange But True, and a 2020 YouTube read through, discusses some of these questions in her chapter on Monte Christo, explaining away most of the occurrence with rational, science-based theories. Despite this, the present author is not swayed in her direction. Hopefully the following article will provide some answers and help one understand exactly what is going on at Monte Christo. As Robert Ripley famously once said.... Believe it, or Not!
Monte Cristo - a brief history
"It's not that we have more ghosts or spirits, it's that we have more activity. I have seen some serious reactions in people. It is something you never forget. I've seen the fear of God in people's eyes. It's a genuine expression you can never fake. If you come into this house and you are disrespectful to the spirits, you won't last the end of the tour. You feel that sick." Lawrence Ryan, son of the owner / tour manager, 2022.
"Now make sure you don't touch anything, otherwise mum will be kept here for a thousand years!" Warning to a group of children by Mrs Olive Ryan, aged 92, owner, 2022.
Known deaths and/or spirits
The ghosts / spirits that have been encountered at Monte Cristo over the years have often been described in some detail, due to the intensity of the encounters. Reg Ryan, who purchased the property in 1965, has noted the presence of ten different ghosts in the house, namely: (1) Mr Crawley, (2) Mrs Crawley, (3-5) Crawley children, and (6-10) workers. As a result, many of the ghosts can be identified as known, historical figures.
* (1) Old bearded man: Mr Crawley, original owner of the house. Died during 1910 in a bedroom (now known as the Boys Bedroom) at the house.
* (2) Little old woman: Elizabeth Lydia Crawley, original owner of the house. She died at Mone Cristo in 1933, aged 91 years, as a result of appendicitis, subsequent blood disease and heart attack.
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Mr and Mrs Crawley. |
* (3) Baby:
Ethel Magdalena, the youngest of the Crawley children - 10 months old -
was dropped / pushed by a nanny down the staircase and died as a result
of a twisted bowl gained during the fall. This occurred in 1907 and was the first recorded death at the house. The child is deemed to be the sinister presence on the stair which upsets children who approach. This child was obviously one of Crawley's illegitimate children.
* (4) Crawley child - no information known to the author.
* (5) Crawley child - no information known to the author.
* (6) House maid: One of the house maids is said to have committed suicide, or died when Mr. Crawley pushed her off the second storey balcony to cause a miscarriage. Her body landed on the front steps of the house. Visitors have noted bleach marks covering the blood splatter which can still be seen on the front doorstep.
* (7) Young man: Lad Morris, son of previous workers at the house, is one of the spirits present. He haunts the Coach House located behind Monte Cristo. One morning he told his boss - Mr Crawley - he was too sick to go to work. Later he was sleeping on a straw mattress in the coach house. This was set on fire by Crawley, and the young man was burnt to death.
* (8) Young boy: Harold Steel, the son of a young maid, was hit by a coach on the Monte Cristo site and sustained horrific head injuries. He was chained to the coach house for some 30 or 40 years and could be heard screaming from the township below. Eventually, after his mother died, he was placed in an asylum where he lived out the remainder of his years. His rattling chains can be heard by visitors to the coach house.
* (9) Worker - a young woman who died in the bedroom Mr. Crawley died in, most likely as the result of a botched abortion.
* (10) Worker - a third person is known to have died in Mr Crawley's bedroom.
Aspects of the haunting
The following are specific elements of the haunting of Monte Cristo.
* The house has a creepy vibe, such that some people cannot even enter. This can happen during the day, and more so at night.
* Mrs Crawley occupies the upper floor chapel. It is a room of sadness. She also roams around the whole house and orders people to leave.
* Faces are seen at windows.
* Mr and Mrs Crawley have both been seen on several occasions.
* Visitors can often hear the screams of the burning Lad Morris from the Coach House.
* Visitors can often hear the rattling of chains in the Coach House.
* some animals sense paranormal activity at the house and are 'wary enough' to stay away. [NB: A cat was seen at the house by the author when he visited in April 2023]
* Visitors have heard their names being called out, though no one is present.
* Smoke is smelt where there is no fire.
* Visitors have smelt death.
* People have heard footsteps on the balcony, though no one is seen.
* People have felt pressure on their chests.
* People have felt mysterious figures playing with their feet.
* A woman in white is often seen from the top balcony.
* The house has a lot of mirrors. It is said that you can see a reflection of a ghost within a mirror.
* You can be in the house and have somebody whisper in your ear, though no one is there.
* Lawrence Ryan grew up in the house and had regular nightmares.
* If you sleep in the house you can frequently be woken up by sheets being pulled, shaking of the bed, or pressure on your chest.
* Lights and illumination have been seen in the house when no one is home.
* The Master Bedroom is notorious for disturbances during sleep, such as being shaken and touched. It is not a happy room according to one medium.
* People hear footsteps walking around at night after the lights are out. The footsteps sound like they are walking on lino or wood, though the floors are all carpeted.
* People can feel a hand on their shoulder, but no one is there when they turn around to look.
* The piano can be heard playing, though no one is there.
* A strong force can stop people from moving within the house.
* Children can sometimes see an old man with a beard and a brown suit follow them around the house.
* People can become breathless in certain rooms.
* Medium Kerrie Wearing encountered in the Stable House a little boy being whipped, hurt, beaten and abused.
* Medium Kerrie Wearing encountered in the Stable House a male energy that is cruel, followed by a stabbing, dragging of a body and burial. Other psychics have felt a young girl being murdered and her blood soaked body being dragged across the back paddock.
* A light can sometimes be seen floating along the balcony.
* Mediums have sensed violence and death upstairs in the boys room and in the dining room.
* One medium was so distressed by the sinister atmosphere of the balcony that she felt the urge to throw herself off.
* One medium and one of the Ryan daughters have seen a little old lady dressed in black in one of the bedrooms.
* One medium was ordered out of the house by an old woman.
* One medium identified that a tragedy had occurred on the staircase. It was revealed that in 1917 a nanny had fatally dropped the baby Ethel Crawley down the staircase. She claimed an unseen force had pushed the child out of her arms.
* A ghost of a young woman has been seen on the stairs.
* Reg Ryan said he initially felt scared, but this passed.
* Some of the spirits walk through doors.
* A sound is heard of timber furniture being dragged across a timber floor.
* People can feel like they are paralysed when in the house.
* Candles can flicker.
* Doors can lock or unlock of their own volition.
* Items can be moved around.
* Children get irritable when they approach the stairs where the baby Ethel was critically injured.
* Near the top of the stair, people feel that they are being pushed.
* Visitors report being overwhelmed with sadness at the site.
* Visitors report feeling nauseous.
* Lights, orbs and weird mists appear at the site.
* Shortly after the Ryans arrived in the early 1960s they had a litter of kittens that were all found slaughtered in the kitchen one morning.
* The Ryans got two litters of hens, and they were all found with their necks broken on two occasions, along with a galah, so they decided not to have pets or animals.
* Women have felt someone touching their bodies, including their bottom. It is suggested that it is the lecherous Mr Crawley.
* Eight of the Crawley kids bullied / booed a lady to get her out of the house, with their negative energy.
* A picture was hung on a wall by Mr Ryan, but two nights in a row it is taken down and placed on the floor by an unknown hand.
* An Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP) saying "shoot me" has been recorded at the Crawley grave site in Junee cemetery.
The following chronology outlines the history of the house and includes references to various reports on its haunting, including online material such as videos.
* Christopher William Crawley and his wife Elizabeth Lydia Crawley occupy a cottage on a hill overlooking the town of Junee. They decide to build a large house there for their family of ten children.
* Monte Cristo is built and occupied. It is alleged that Mr. Crawley had 10 children with his wife, and 10 with the housemaids. Mrs Crawley was a staunch Catholic.
* Ten month old Ethel Magdalena Crawley dies from a fall down the staircase. She was being held by the nanny who stated that an unknown form took the child from her arms and flung it down the staircase. It subsequently died from the injuries received.
* Mr Crawley dies at Monte Cristo as a result of a starched collar causing sores on his neck and blood poisoning. In his will he leaves everything to his wife and nothing to his children. Mrs Crawley takes up residence in a chapel in the attic and becomes solitary.
* 5 December, Evening News, Sydney: Obituary of Christopher William Crawley.
Death of Junee's Pioneer. Junee, Thursday - Mr Christopher William Crawley died at his residence, Monte Cristo, last night, aged 69 years, from blood poisoning. Mr. Crawley was the pioneer of Junee township, being the original selector of the whole of the land the present township now stands upon, the greater portion of which is retained by the family at the present time. The unimproved value of the property in the municipality is estimated at £48,000, on which was paid this year alone £700 municipal taxation. Mr. Crawley had large tracts of farming and grazing land outside the municipality. Dr. Crawley, of Newcastle, is son of the late Mr. Crawley.
* 3 November, The Albury Banner and Wodonga Express: Probate of the will of C.W. Crawley.
Probate has been granted in the will of Mr. Christopher William Crawley, grazier, .of Junee, who died on December 14 last. Testator appointed his widow, Elizabeth Lydia Crawley, sole executrix and trustee of his estate — after her death his sons, Mervyn Marmaduke and Aubrey Clarence Crawley and his daughter Florence Angela Crawley to be trustees and executors. The dwelling-house at Junee, known as Monte Christo, furniture, plate, pictures, household effects, horses, and carriages; also the income from the estate testator bequeathed to his widow for life; after her death the estate to be divided among his children, in equal shares. The net value of the estate for probate purposes was stated at £46,110, the bulk of which consisted of real estate. The deceased owned about half of the town of Junee, and the disjointed appearance of the town was due to the disinclination on the part of Mr. Crawley to sell.
* 16 November, The Albury Banner and Wodonga Express: Junee.
Mrs. C. W. Crawley, of "Monte Cristo," Junee, fell at her home and injured her wrist. Her son, Dr. Aubrey Crawley, of the Newcastle district, paid a visit to his mother.
* 15 August, Wagga Wagga Daily Advertiser: Obituary of Mrs. E.L. Crawley, who died at Monte Christo on Saturday, 12 August 1933, aged 91 years.
* 28 September, Catholic Freeman's Journal, Sydney: Obituary of Elizabeth Lydia Crawley, who died at Monte Christo.
Mrs. Elizabeth Lydia Crawley, Junee. The death took place at her home, 'Monte Cristo,' Junee, recently of Mrs. Elizabeth Lydia Crawley, a well-known figure in the life of this community. Mrs. Crawley had reached the advanced age of 91 years, and had been ill for over six months; previous to that she had enjoyed good health and was most active. She was the widow of the late Mr. C.W. Crawley, who went to Junee from the Tumut district in 1876, and resided there up to the time of his death on December 14, 1910. Married in Tumut, Mr. and Mrs. Crawley afterwards came to Junee as stated, and the name has been intimately associated with the growth of this town and district ever since. She was a most devoted member of the Catholic Church, and took a very keen interest in the building of the new edifice, having of course watched the growth of the parish before and after the first building on the hill was erected. The remains were removed to the Catholic Church and a Requiem Mass was said. At the graveside the Right Rev. Monsignor O'Connell (a very old friend of deceased) read the prayers. There are seven members of the family, three boys and four girls. Mr. Mervyn Crawley is living in Queensland, but has been in Junee for some time; Dr. Crawley came up from Sydney, then there are Mr. A.H. Crawley, Mrs. F.K. Lawless, Mrs. M.J. Heffernan, Mrs. E. Heffernan and Miss Lydia B. Crawley.
* 28 September, Daily Advertiser, Wagga Wagga: C.W. Cawley, Pioneer of Junee. Biographical portrait.
The Pioneers - Mr. C.W. Cawley. Christopher William Crawley, one of the pioneers of the town and district, who died on December 14, 1910, was a native of Liverpool, N.S.W., and was the third son of Dr. Crawley of that town. At an early age he went to Tumut, where he remained until 19 years of age, when he was engaged by Mr. A. Watson, of Adelong, in whose employ he continued for nine years. He then took up a free selection on the Murrumbidgee River, and remained on it for nine years. In 1875 Mr. Crawley selected land adjoining the village of Junee, namely portion 112 of 400 acres, and portion 113, of 120 acres, parish of South Junee, both under conditional purchase. Portion 108, of 320 acres on the eastern side of the railway line applied for by Marrian Hilton under conditional purchase in 1876 and portion 122 of 160 acres by Mary Adams under the same tenure in 1877 were both alienated by Helena Ann Crawley in 1880 and 1883 respectively. At sales of Crown lands in the parishes of Junee and South Junee held at Wagga on April 18, 1877, and November 21, 1877, Thomas Warden Hammond, the only bidder, purchased a considerable number of blocks on the outskirts of Junee at the upset price of £1 an acre. Spring Discovered. Mr. Crawley suffered in consequence of the drought, but eventually discovered the spring which later supplied the township with water. As the railway came to Junee Mr. Crawley went into business, and conducted an hotel for a number of years. He sold blocks of land from time to time, and built a handsome villa, Monte Cristo, containing 11 rooms. Old files of the period record the terms and conditions of subdivision of Crawley's Estate, Junee Junction comprising 132 allotments to be sold by public auction by Charles Hawthorne Croaker, in conjunction with Messrs. Egan, Seignior and Company, on account of the proprietor, C. W. Crawley, Esquire, on the ground on Thursday May 24, 1883. Solicitors for the vendor, Fitzhardinge and Coleman, Exchange Chambers, Wagga Wagga. James Gormly bought four allotments. He was the well-known M.L.A. for Wagga. The Family. When Mr. Crawley died in 1910 he left a widow and four daughters and three sons. Mrs. Crawley continued to reside at Monte Cristo, with her daughter, Miss L.B. Crawley, until she died on August 12, 1933, at the ripe old age of 92 years. Miss L.B. Crawley still resides at Monte Cristo. The eldest daughter, Miss H.L.A. Crawley, was married to the late Mr. F.K. Lawless, and is living in Sydney. Miss F.A. Crawley married Mr. M.J. Heffernan, and resides at Loma Langi, near Junee, and Miss A.C. Crawley married Mr. E.R. Heffernan and lives in Sydney. Mr. M.J. Heffernan and Mr. E.R. Heffernan are sons of the late Mr. P.J. Heffernan, of Millbank, Junee. Mr. M.M. Crawley, the eldest son, went to Queensland just on 30 years ago and acquired about 1200 acres in the Goondiwindi district, and about two years ago acquired an additional 13,000 acres. The second son, Dr. Aubrey C. Crawley, carried on the practice of his profession in Newcastle for a number of years and retired to live at Coogee some 16 years ago. Mr. Alphonse H. Crawley is the third son, and has been practising as a solicitor in Junee for 26 years. The trustees sold a considerable portion of the estate in 1921, but still hold a large portion of the town, in addition to about 1300 acres of farming land within the municipality.
* 29 July, The Gundagai Independent. Obituary of Dr. A. Crawley.
Obituary. Dr. A. Crawley. News has been received of the death of Dr. Aubrey Crawley, at the age of 70 years. Dr. Crawley went to Junee as a boy more than 60 years ago with his parents, the late Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Crawley, of "Monte Cristo" when Mr. Christopher Crawley selected 600 acres of land where Junee now stands. Dr. Crawley, who for the greater part of his life practised in Newcastle (N.S.W.), was an executor of the Crawley estate. He is survived by a widow and family. Surviving brothers and sisters are Mr. Mervyn Crawley, of Queensland; Mr. Alfonso Crawley, of Junee; Mrs. M.J. Heffernan (Florence), of Temora road; Mrs. Heffernan ("Pidge"), of Temora road; Mrs. F. Lawless, of Sydney, and Miss Lydia Crawley, of Junee.
* The last member of the Crawley family to reside at Monte Cristo leaves the house. Thus is likely Miss Lydia Crawley.
* Everything in Monte Cristo is sold and it is thereafter abandoned and subject to a decade of vandalism and decay, despite the presence of a caretaker on site. The Crawley children are waiting to see who can live the longest and secure the property.
* House caretaker Jacki is shot by a local youth who apparently went crazy after watching the Alfred Hitchcock movie Psycho three times. From this point on there is no caretaker and the house is vandalised.
* June - Monte Cristo is sold to Reg and Olive Ryan for £1,000. They have three daughters and later a son. Three days after purchase, the house was illuminated from within, though there was no electricity on and only one kerosene lamp, unlit. Their black cat shortly thereafter freaked out and ran away. The three daughters in the upstairs bedroom would regularly see the face of a young man at their window, though there was no balcony at that stage. They eventually ignored him. One evening he is seen standing over the baby boy's crib.
* September - First Monte Cristo Haunted Ball is held. Now an annual event.
* Monte Cristo is opened to the public with ghost hunter tours and stay overs.
* Lawrence Ryan commences public tours of the house. At the time he was still scared of the house, and had a nightmare every night as he grew up there. However, he never saw a spirit, but saw, heard and felt other things.
* Muirhouse, movie (faux documentary), duration: 75 minutes. Director / writer: Tanzeal Rahim and the Media Collective. Scenario: In 2007 author Phillip Muirhouse (actor Ian P.F. McDonald) is on a promotional tour to launch his book on supernatural phenomena, 'The Dead Country'. His publishers schedule for the author to be filmed inside a local tourist trap, The Monte Cristo Homestead, known as 'the most haunted house in Australia'. As part of a publicity stunt, he plans to stay inside the house for one night. The events which take place are recorded in real time on audio devices and high tech motion-activated cameras. By morning three people are found dead. Muirhouse is later found by police staggering along a country lane covered in blood.
* Richard Davis, Great Australian Ghost Stories, ABC Books, 2012, 282p. Includes a chapter on Monte Cristo.
* 23 August - The Monte Cristo Homestead Haunted House, The Circle, YouTube, duration: 3.48 minutes. Records a visit to the house by reporter Sean Lynch plus interviews with Tanzeal Rahim and Ian P.F. McDonald of the Muirhouse project, and owner Reg Ryan.
* 6 March - Monte Cristo Homestead, The Believers (TV program), YouTube, duration: 22.42 minutes. Profile of medium Kerrie Wearing and ghost hunter Darren Croese.
* 16 November - Monte Cristo Homestead, GCTV, YouTube, duration: 6.20 minutes.
* 3 August - The Most Haunted - Monte Cristo in Junee, Buzzy Pockets, YouTube, duration: 15.10 minutes.
* 5 September - Australia's most haunted house // Vlog // Lauren Rowe, Gifted Life, YouTube, duration: 5.34 minutes. Record of a stay at the house.
* 2 August - Spending the night in Australia's most haunted homestead - Monte Cristo, Life of Nikki, YouTube, duration: 15.34 minutes. Record of a weekend stay, with the Janine Louise Medium Team and Lawrence Ryan.
* 29 August - Exploring Australia's Most Haunted House, Samantha Clarke, YouTube, duration: 21.26 minutes. House walk through by Clarke and her partner.
* Kathryn Hulick, Strange but true - the mystery of the Monte Cristo homestead and the supernatural science that explains it, BBC Science Focus, 31 December 2019. An article reviewing Hulick's book Strange but true - 10 of the world's greatest mysteries explained, Quarto Group, 2019. Illustrated by Gordy Wright. See under 20 April 2020 for author read through video.
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Maid on balcony at Monte Cristo. Illustration: Gordy Wright. |
* 11 February - Monte Cristo homestead - visit if you dare, WUDUTV, YouTube, duration: 2.50 minutes.
* 20 April - Author reading 'The Haunted Mansion' from the book 'Strange But True' by Kathryn Hulick, YouTube, duration: 19 minutes.
* Richard Vidler, The Daredevil of Monte Christo, [audio] ABC Radio National, 24 June 2020, duration: 50 minutes. Interview with Lawrence Ryan, daredevil motorcycle stunt ride and tour guide at Monte Cristo.
* 21 August - Monte Cristo, Australia's most haunted house, Junee NSW, Happy Campers Australia, YouTube, duration: 2.09 minutes.
* 20 October - Australia's most haunted house causes panic in the studio, Hit Network, YouTube, duration: 5.05 minutes. Interview with Lawrence Ryan.
* 15 December - Monte Cristo Historic Homestead - Australia's most haunted house, The Holiday Hunter, YouTube, duration: 4.06 minutes.
* Australia's most haunted house - Monte Cristo homestead, Traces Magazine, 9 June 2022.
* 21 July - Chilling ghost stories from the haunted Monte Cristo homestead, Weird World, YouTube, duration: 9.31 minutes.
* Ben Pobjie, 100 Tales from Australia's most haunted places, 2022, 288p.
* 27 July - The many ghosts of Monte Cristo, Junee NSW, Australia, Hometown Ghost Stories, YouTube, duration: 72 minutes.
* 31 July - Monte Cristo Historic Homestead, Gone Travelling OZ, YouTube, duration: 20.18 minutes.
* 9 August - A NSW Riverina house is 'so haunted' some visitors don't finish the tour, Sky News, YouTube, duration: 2.50 minutes.
* Australia's most haunted house - Monte Cristo homestead, The Kid Bucket List, 22 October 2022.
* Tim Piccione, Inside Monte Cristo homestead - Australia's most haunted house, Canberra Times, 28 October 2022.
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Olive Ryan has lived in the haunted home since 1963 and still regales visitors with stories and experiences. Picture by Tim Piccione, Canberra Times. |
* 3 April - Sleeping in the most haunted house in Australia, The Inspired Unemployed, YouTube, duration: 22.29 minutes.
Last updated: 6 May 2023
Michael Organ, Australia (Home)
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