Stan Deyo and the Victorian flying saucer program, Australia 1971-2
ETs & UFOs : | 1971 Australian File | Bibliography | Cate Chassé | Elena Danaan | Events, film and books | F.W. Birmingham, Parramatta Park, Australia 1868 | Flying saucer South Korea | Flying Saucers over Australia 1950 | Martin Sharp, LSD & UFOs | Maria Orsic | Mayan Alien & UFO hieroglyphs | MH370 | Mount Zeil, Australia | Mussolini's UFO 1933 | Origins | Philippe Mora | Shirley UFO 1952 | Space Force | Stan Deyo 1970s | TR-3B | TR-3B Chronology | UFOs, Aliens and the Vatican + References | Wilson/Davis transcript 2002 | Zero Point Energy |
- Introduction
- UFOs are Here 1977
- Cosmic Conspiracy 1978
- Art Ball interview 1997
- Michael Salla interview 2024
- References
1. Introduction
During December 2024 the present writer came across a 1997 interview with Texan Stan Deyo, of Perth, Australia, in conversation with radio broadcaster Art Ball and famous UFO whistleblower Bob Lazar. Therein Deyo noted working in Australia during 1971-2 on free energy and anti-gravity research, including the back engineering of a UFO / ET flying saucer craft apparently located at an Australian plant in Fisherman's Bend, Victoria, and/or at a the nearby Sale military base. Both prior, and subsequent to that 1997 interview - in a 1977 film, a 1978+ book and numerous interviews on radio, television and the internet - Deyo released additional information relating to the Australian operation and its wider implications. Much of the latter was contained in his 1978 book The Cosmic Conspiracy, which also reflected some of his skepticism and religious and views. Whilst Bob Lazar is widely proclaimed the first American UFO 'whistleblower', largely arising out of television interview footage of him from the 1980s, Deyo is revealed to hold that place in history, arising out of his activism almost a decade earlier. Some of the parties mentioned in connection with the Australian flying saucer back-engineering program and Deyo's research during 1971-2 included:
- Stan Deyo (b.1945) - Texan computer systems analyst and engineer, FBI informant, and free energy and anti-gravity researcher.
- Dr. James Robert Maxfield (1910-1997) - American nuclear physicist and initial US contact for Deyo with the Teller program.
- Dr. Edward Teller (1908-2003) - former nuclear scientist in charge of the secret US UFO back-engineering program.
- Captain Sir John Williams (1896-1989) - Deyo's initial Australia contact and control officer during 1971-2.
- Sir Henry Somerset (1906-1995) - one of the senior people in charge of the Australian UFO program, alongside Sir John Williams.
- Professor Henry ??? - of the University of Tasmania, and a colleague of Somerset and Williams.
- Dr. Tom Keeble - head of the Aeronautical Research Laboratory, Fisherman's Bend, Victoria. A colleague of Deyo during his work with the Teller Project.
Deyo, like Lazar and many others, is wrongly classified as a conspiracy theorist by Wikipedia, as an element of the coverup of the development of advanced technologies through back-engineering of extraterrestrial craft since the 1920s. Much of this technology has been verified through academic, peer-reviewed research papers and patents, as seen in the present writer's recent bibliography: The Shoulders of Giants.
In regards to Deyo's intellectual pursuits and engagement with the UFO/ET subject, a great deal was revealed in a 2024 interview with Dr. Michael Salla of Exopolitics Today (linked below). Therein, and elsewhere, Deyo revealed that upon arrival in Australia he was briefed on the following, or gained relevant first- and second-hand information in the period shortly thereafter:
- Australia was one of the partners in a South Pole base used association with other parties as part of the US-based Edward Teller world-wide back-engineering program, which included Russia, Germany, Great Britain and other countries.
- At meetings during 1971-2 with Dr. Tom Keeble of the the Victoria-based Aeronautical Research Laboratory (ARL) he was informed they were being monitored by ASIO, the Australian equivalent to the CIA / FBI.
- At ARL meetings he was informed they had possession of video of Alien spacecraft, based on that acquire by the Royal Australian Air Force planes based at nearby Sale.
- At some stage Deyo was sacked from the program due to his support for public release. All records of his participation in the program was deleted, and a contract was subsequently put out for him to be killed.
- During the 1950s Earth leaders had agreed to build Alien bases around the world and stock them with materials for their use, plus jointly operate these bases. However, some of the Aliens turned on the humans during the late 1970s and took control of the bases.
- There was a lot of activity of the Pine Gap base in central Australia, and the related Exmouth Gulf communications facility using Tesla technology.
- Deyo was later shown detailed information on how the Alien spacecraft operated, by former workers on the Australian projects.
- After he was sacked from the program there were various people looking for him, includes agents of the US FBI and CIA, Australian ASIO, Russia and the Israel, according to his scientific supervisor Dr. Tom Keeble. He was subsequently protected by the Western Australian branch of ASIO.
- Secretary of State, James Schlesinger, around 2000, gave Deyo permission to return to the US.
Deyo's skepticism and concerns around the activities of his American associates prior to coming to Australia, did not end upon there in 1971. His two minders - Sir Henry to Sir John during a meeting at the Australia Club, Melbourne - stated: "They are moving in on us...." This was suggesting that their traditional (British / Australian) control of matters such as UFOs was being taken from them, possibly by the Americans in collaboration with Alien forces. Thereafter, Noah Davidson was the pseudonym used by Deyo during his efforts to hide from various security forces and those seeking to kill him during the 1970s.
The most detailed and presentable account of this whole episode can be found in the 2 October 2000 filmed interview Deyo did for the Dr. Stephen Greer UFO Disclosure Project. It is presented below, and recommended reading prior to proceeding.
Deyo reveals coverup, Stan Deyo / Dr. Stephen Greer UFO Disclosure Project, 2 October 2000, YouTube, duration: 149.51 minutes.
2. UFOs are Here 1977
The earliest known interview with Stan Deyo comes from the 75 minute long 1977 Australian television documentary UFOs are Here, directed by British Guy Baskin and released by Channel 9, Sydney. It was subsequently issued as a DVD, with additional footage of the interview taken with Stan Deyo at the time. This comprises the final 25 minutes of the expanded video and was not included in the original television production. Much of what is said by Deyo in the 1977 Australian interview is verified and expanded upon in the Greer interview of 2000.
UFOs are Here (1977) [extended version], YouTube, 15 September 2011, duration: 75 minutes.
3. The Cosmic Conspiracy
The Cosmic Conspiracy by Stan Deyo is a ripper I discovered on my parents' bookshelf of 70s Penguin Classics. Deyo starts
with Alien spaceship conspiracy theories, and moves onto the Global Government aims of the United States, European Union, Arab Confederation and Club of Rome, before concluding with thoughts on the Illuminati and Zionist conspiracies and his interpretation of the 'real' salvation offered by God. (Woroni, Australian National University, Canberra, 2005)
Arising in part out of the 1977 documentary UFOs are Here and interest raised therein, Deyo and his wife Louise compiled the 200 page book The Cosmic Conspiracy which was released in November 1978. It was subsequently updated through until the final 300 page edition of 2010. The abstract for one of the later editions states the following:
Abstract: An urgent revelation concerning the developing "Alien/UFO" situation is the main thrust of this edition. It is a warning which must be read for your own survival The book also unveils the "Gray Project" from the original "Majestic 12" group and discusses the group which just recently took the power away from them. It uses many new photos and images to explain what is about to happen to the people of Earth with special emphasis on the use of huge craft over our major cities. As part of this discussion, a unique, scientific approach to the truth of the "Face on Mars" issue is given. A more plausible and practical explanation for the event (sans alien culture) and technology is developed. Many people seem to be entranced by the popular hypothesis that the face is a sign of an ancient, technologically advanced, Martian civilization which even pre-dated mankind itself. This edition warns of the use of this whole "face on Mars" farce as a softening item for the public announcement of alien cultures here on earth in our immediate future. This edition also has an update on the secrets of the Great Seal of America (which appears to be the latter day "Babylon" spoken of in Biblical prophecies). Don't miss this Millennium Edition. You won't have another chance - if we are correct in our analysis of coming events. For 20 years, this book has been sold "under the counter" in America. The official resistance to the ideas and facts in this book was huge. Now, with the Internet, we are able to circumvent the normal controls on the release of this sort of information to the American people. In Australia (where the ex-patriot, Texan author lives) this book sold the equivalent of a "million-seller" in America. TV shows, documentaries and investigations have been launched as a result of this book which is now read in over 22 countries. It is one of the major books of this century; and was inspired after a 'near death' experience the author had in 1969. The first 200 pages of the book tell about the author's discovery of a new method of aircraft propulsion using ionized plasma gases over a circular craft in 1970. It tells about the author's recruitment by an ultra-secret, international research and development organization to finish his propulsion research in Australia. It discusses the 'conspiracy' behind the US Government, the United Nations, The United States of Europe, The coming Arab Confederation and the Club of Rome to establish a new, global, political power to dominate the peoples of Earth. A mathematical and 'lay' language explanation of the error in Einstein's relativistic limits to traveling faster than light's speed is also given in detail with illustrations. Photostats of key documents which substantiate the assertions are in the appendices of the book. In this latest and, perhaps, last edition of The Cosmic Conspiracy, the author has added 60 new pages to the original 200-page version. He reduced the font size in this addition to cram more info into a book which weighs less than 500g - thus saving heaps on international postage. The book is available in English, French and German. However, this newest edition (The Millennium Edition) is only available in English at present. The French translation has begun as of 30 Sept 1998 and will be released in Canada first.
Deyo toured the book to various church communities throughout Australia from 1979, presenting lectures accompanied by coloured slides. This continued through to the 1990s, with some of those lectures linked in below. For example, on 22 September 1979 he spoke to the Capital Bible Church at the Jamison Community Centre, Macquarie, Canberra. Deyo later suggested that angels had protected him during his life from those who objected to his pioneering open disclosure of the UFO / ET agenda and worldwide applicability of advanced technologies such as free energy and anti-gravity devices.
In 1983 Deyo released a video documentary based on the book. It interviewed numerous scientists and other individuals associated with secret space programs and research.
The Cosmic Conspiracy, with Stan Deyo (1983) [video], UFOB, YouTube, 21 May 2023, duration: 46.52 minutes.
4. Art Ball & Bob Lazar interview 1997
The above-mentioned account was contained in the following radio interview, originally recorded on 26 September 1997. In it Deyo outlines the circumstances that brought him to Australia, and subsequent events. He repeats the story on a number of occasions in later interviews up to the present day (December 2024), all the while adding additional pieces of information, some of which has been inserted into the transcript below the video by the present writer.
Stan Deyo in conversation with Bob Lazar on Element 115, flying saucer technology and Edward Teller, Eyes on Cinema, YouTube, 3 December 2024, duration: 15.30 minutes.
The following is a transcript of the 15 minute 1997 interview between Art Ball, Stan Deyo and Bob Lazar:
Art Ball: Bob, you were in effect recruited, I think, by Edward Teller?
Bob Lazar: Yes.
Ball: I have a friend who's listening to the show this morning as we speak - believe it or not, all the way down in Perth Australia. His name is Stan Deyo and he was also recruited by Edward Teller, and he's got a question or two for you. I'm going to see if we can bring him up, all the way from Perth, Australia. There's a slight delay in the phone line transmission. Stan, are you there?
Stan Deyo: Yeah Art.
Ball: Okay, very good. Bob Lazar is on the line and I know you followed the Lazar story and you might briefly, just very briefly, recap yours and ask a question.
Deyo: All right, very briefly. I was working in the computer business in Dallas in I think it was 1970-71 and, among other things, I was also doing some investigation for the FBI at the corporation where I was working, as an undercover kind of plant. During this time at this company where I was working was a large corporation called Dal-tex Optical at the time had a 100 sub-corporations, and a lot of them operated in Nevada. During the time I was there I was approached by one of the senior executives of this company to go meet with a Doctor James R. Maxfield at the Radiation Research Clinic over a couple miles from where we had the office in Dallas. I didn't go for about a month and then I met this same executive at a morning coffee in the executive tearoom and he said to me I hadn't been to see his friend Maxfield and the reason he'd asked me to go was because I had talked to him about some work that I had been doing in my time off - my private time - at home, in my own laboratory, working with two things: one was a thermionic electrical converter [free energy device] and the other was a rather novel method [anti-gravity] I thought of propelling a flying aircraft, which was circular-shaped and you know like a Flying Saucer you would call them today. Anyway, in the course of having told this guy just over coffee, he kind of got reasonably interested in it and told me I ought to go talk to this friend of his. I didn't do it. So 30 days passed, then he says to me, "Look, you haven't been to see Jim Maxfield yet. Please go this afternoon. I've booked you an appointment at 3."
So I go over to this place, and it's not like a place that sees people very often. It was open, the door was kind of ajar, but there was no cars in front of it and and daylight. I walked in. The lights were off down the hallway, and I walked down the hallway, and it was kind of dark. Suddenly this nurse - a reception type lady - appears out of nowhere from the side and she says, "Can I help you?" I said, "Oh gee, I didn't know anybody was here. Look I think I've got the right building. I'm looking for Dr James R. Maxfield." She said, "Oh yes, Dr Maxfield is here. He'll be out in just a second. He's down in the lab." So sure enough, within a minute or so, this big tall dude comes out in a white medical coat, smoking a cigar, wearing cowboy boots and says, "Ah yes, I've been expecting you. Come on into my office."
This is the time when I first got introduced to this clandestine organization in the United States that was headed by Dr Edward Teller, and who Maxfield worked with. This organization had been working since the mid 50s on something like 50 some odd projects all related directly to flying saucer technology, if you wish to put it down to that level. I was just the the latecomer on the scene. They showed me about their base down at the South Pole and the ice cap, and how you had to access it by submarine or something similar. They explained to me they knew what I was doing - they even knew what I was thinking virtually because they asked me about my physics and I said, "Well look," - thinking I was talking to some of the greatest physicists in the world, which I was - I didn't have my degree in that area, so I said, "Well look guys, sir, you know I have been working on a way to unify gravitational electromagnetic and magnetic effects." He said, "Oh look, spare me all that. You're working on anti-gravity and let's get to the matter. How are you doing it?"
That's when he started telling me that I need to finish my research, with them down in Australia, instead of America, and that's why I'm here today. It is because those guys packed me up and sent me down here.
[Comment: Maxfield and the Teller group provided Deyo and his family with the necessary resources to go to Australia, and Deyo was due to attend a meeting with Maxfield before leaving. However, his FBI cover was blown, the organisation he worked for found out, and he was sacked and threatened. As a result he and his family fled to Australia before receiving the briefing from Maxfield, Upon arrival in Australia Deyo got a job with a contracting firm and did not contact the Teller group until 6 months later. He was then tasked with writing up all his research and sending it off to his local supervisors and the Teller group. He also began working at the local Aeronautical Research Laboratory under Dr. Keeble. The Teller group sacked him when he began to call on them to publically release the work they were doing. They sent out a hitman from the Vatican - a Jesuit priest - who met Deyo whilst he was undercover and en route to Western Australia. He let him off.]
We parted ways in 1972 or 1973, I think it was. I think I was only with him for about a year. I got rather disenchanted with all the technology they were holding back from the people. I still was young enough to think that we could Save the World by giving technology to countries that needed food and grain and water and stuff, all shipped back and forth rather rapidly. But anyway, because of that, we parted ways in a real huff and I kind of hid in the bush for a while because they really kind of thought it would be better if I was buried. Then after coming out of that I wrote the book The Cosmic Conspiracy to kind of be insurance, and told a lot of what I had gone through in there and left the rest for I'll tell the rest if you get short with me. So now that's my side Bob.
Lazar: Now that's a real interesting story.
Deyo: Did you ever run into Jim Maxfield at all on your side of it?
Lazar: No I haven't. Actually, now I've got a thousand questions, but the one most prominent on my mind here is: what was Teller's function?
Deyo: Well, he seemed to be in charge or overseer of all the projects at the highest level. That's all that I was told.
Lazar: See, this is something I've always wondered about the project down where I worked. No one really ever spoke of him, but I got just a gut feeling that he was silently in charge of everything. Well what you're saying is also very interesting because a lot of what you're talking about seems to mimic some of the things we were working on.
Ball: In fact Bob, if I remember, right when Teller called you, when you originally got the call from him to contact the gentleman at EG&G, Teller said that he was no longer active but worked in a chief consultant capacity.
Lazar: That's right.
Deyo: Something happened after I left because, in fact, I'll tell you - I had minders appointed down here who really run this country, and run the prime ministers. My minders operate out of a group called The Melbourne Club and they are the old kind of British raj,, cigars and port [wine], white-haired guys. Anyway, they brought me into their halls of power and I had lunch a few times with the king pins there and my mentors were Sir John Williams and Sir Henry Somerset. Anyway, we were sitting there one day at lunch and they were talking amongst themselves about someone moving in on them or they were like in an undeclared war status, and they were losing. They never mentioned aliens and all that kind of stuff, so don't jump the gun, but I know I heard them say: "Well yeah Henry, it looks like we're going to lose this, you know. They're just moving in."
I waited and nothing else was said. So I said, "Well excuse me gentlemen," I said, thinking I'd be clever, I said, "You mean the European Economic Community," because we've been talking about large corporate money deals in the country, and they both looked at me like I'd done a rude at the table or something, and said, "Oh maybe we'll do some fishing up the farm this weekend," and "Yes, John," and you know immediately had I knew that I asked a question that I should have known the answer to already, and didn't. Anyway, they indicated at that point that they were being taken over.
Well, I got away from the organization and wrote the book and all that. Anyway, years passed and I had a friend in Scottsdale, Arizona, named Conrad Murphy, and Conrad goes to a lot of places - he races boats and cars and he's a fairly active fellow in business. Anyway, Conrad was invited to give the morning devotional at some big business breakfast for the Arizona 500 Club or something like that, and he rang me and says, "Guess who I'm going to give the breakfast benediction to, who's sitting right next to me next week - Edward Teller!" and I said, "Wow!" I said, "Can you get to Dr Teller and say - you know, take a message - say I want to talk to him?" He said, "Not a problem."
So I waited and waited and the week passed and so Conrad rang back and he says, "Wow! I sat next to him, and there was all kind of normal conversation, and I gave the benediction, ate a bit, and after he had a couple bites said to him, 'Look, what do you know about this fellow named Stan Deyo down in Australia, working on anti-gravity and flying saucers?'" and he said Teller looked at him very blankly and said, "I don't know the fellow." Conrad then says, "Oh, that's odd!" and he reaches in his coat and pulls out a copy of my book with my photo on it and turns it up in front of Ed Teller. He said the blood drained out of his face and he looked away, and a General over on the side who was in uniform came over and took Teller and said, "Dr Teller's got another meeting," and took him away. So I wondered at that point whether Teller was in charge of anything anymore. Do you see what I'm saying?
Lazar: I do. That's very interesting.
Deyo: I've never been able to get back to the team. I think they did lose. Whatever was trying to take him over did.
Ball: So after all of that Stan had to sort of lay low for a while and he just sort of ended up staying in Australia.
Deyo: Well Art I had to give up my US citizenship to keep from being extradited the time that they were trying to to get to the bottom of this thing. I'd love to be back in the States.
Lazar: Were they trying to prosecute you for for anything? What were they trying to prosecute you for?
Deyo: There were a number of things Bob. One of them was, as I said to you, I was doing some undercover work for the FBI and and they deny of course that there were 700 of us doing anything.
Ball: The question is Stan, were they trying to prosecute you or were there threats on your life? How serious was it?
Deyo: Both. When when I went underground they had really determined they were going to put me underground permanently in Melbourne. As a result I ran and for a little over a year I traveled in the Australian bush, let my hair grow out and wore sunglasses and trampled with hippies and whatever. I just disappeared. Finally I got hungry and had to come back in. When I did I came in under an assumed name and worked for a while. But eventually they caught up with me because I applied for work in companies and had to show my passport.
Lazar: Can I interrupt you for a second? What was the threat that you presented to them? Were they afraid of the information that you had?
Deyo: Yes.
Lazar: That was their main concern that you were running around with information that you you could possibly divulge to someone else.
Deyo: First of all I would be able to identify them. I could identify by name the people who were head of it in the Aeronautic Research Center at Fisherman's Bend in Melbourne, and in the Australian Club, who of course the prime ministers of this country. There were a number of things I was privy to that would be rather embarrassing. But in their defense - let me say this, now that I've had time to think about it - if I had been in their position and were holding the secrets they were, and under the pressures they were, I would probably have ordered my execution as well. It's bigger than one person's life. I'm sure you would appreciate this Bob. What we're talking about is a cover up of incredible proportions.
Ball: Were you able to continue your research, or did they have all the requisite hardware?
Deyo: Of course they did. I did do some, and I did play around a bit with what I could do, but I didn't have access to high temperature coding. I couldn't put my barium titrate or anything else on the capacitor surfaces.
Lazar: Your little video you did with the little ship [submarine] that had the thermionic converter on it?
Deyo: I don't know why you had to have an element - whatever it was - because we were quite aware that you could convert thermal energy at around 37 gigahertz on the sampling frequency you could take random heat and convert it into flowing electric energy.
Lazar: Well that's just the thermionic generator.
Deyo: Yes, that's it.
Lazar: That's just providing electrical power.
Deyo: That's correct. As I said, we didn't need element 115 to do that though.
Lazar: Well yeah, no one does. Space thermionic generators just use plutonium to essentially warm a thermocouple using a feedback effect or whatever to produce electrical energy. However, the the basis of the craft that I worked on, the electrical energy was merely a byproduct. That was not how the entire craft operated. that's where the 115 came in.
Deyo: Now the the other thing I noticed here is you're using gravity wave A and gravity wave B focus fields. In the stuff we were working on, the field we would generate was in a toroidal field that would curl.
Lazar: Well that's exactly how this was generated. It was essentially in a toroid around the craft.
Deyo: Ah, okay.
Lazar: Some of the animators gave me some fantastic graphics that I haven't really really been able to post anywhere, but I did want to put them up on the web somewhere because there are a lot of people that are interested in the actual propagation of the gravity field. I was just about to give those to the guys that handle our web page and it might be worth having a look at that.
Deyo: What's the website?
Ball: Just jump over to my website Stan. We're out of time, but what from what I've heard I think that you two should be communicating.
Lazar: Yeah, I'd like to uh talk....
5. Michael Salla interview with Stan Deyo 2024
* Michael Salla and Stan Deyo, First whistle-blower revelations of reverse-engineered ET spacecraft date to 1977, Harmony, 22 August 2024, duration: 82.02 minutes.
6. Conclusion
Stan Deyo is undoubtedly an important figure in the disclosure of information concerning the subject of UFOs and Aliens. He is the first person - during the 1970s - to substantially reveal the government coverup of Alien and advanced technologies, put in place to the detriment of wider society in order to foster profit and power as opposed to the advancement of human kind. For his bravery in doing this he is to be applauded. Unfortunately, he was largely unsuccessful in halting the increasing severity of the coverup, which remains in place as of 2024. His banishment to Australia in 1971 supported his efforts at openness and accountability, but censorship by those in opposition to his efforts largely negated them, or left them ignored. Being protected by angels and the Western Australian branch of ASIO meant that he survived, and remains alert and presenting in public to the present day. As we speak, free energy does not exist for all; the presence of anti-gravity craft remains on the denied list of military and governments around the world; Deyo's own religious beliefs support the Aliens as Enemies scenario pushed by the Deep State / Illuminati; and as he approaches his twilight years he remains largely unknown. Hopefully positive disclosure (not in the Biblical sense) will take place before he passes from this life to the next. This Texan must rank as a proud Australian as well, at least in the eyes of the present writer.
7. References
Deyo, Stan and Elfryn Lewis, [Australian National Anthem] electronic music, 1973. Entry in a competition. Refer National Archives of Australia files.
Deyo, Stan, The Cosmic Conspiracy, Veritas Publishing Company / West Australian Texas Trading, Kalamunda, South Australia, November 1978, 200p.
-----, The Cosmic Conspiracy, West Australian Texas Trading, Kalamunda, South Australia, February, April & November 1979, 200p. Edited by Stan and Louise Deyo. 2nd edition.
-----, The Cosmic Conspiracy [video], 1983, duration: 46.52 minutes.
-----, The Cosmic Conspiracy, Veritas Publishing Company / West Australian Texas Trading, Kalamunda, South Australia, Gold Shield Edition, April 1980.
-----, The Vindicator Scrolls, Texas Trading, 1990, 245p.
-----, Stan Deyo in conference, Tape A, 1992, Eyes on Cinema, YouTube, 16 June 2024, duration: 144.24 minutes.
-----, Stan Deyo in conference, Tape B, May 1992, Eyes on Cinema, YouTube, 16 June 2024, duration: 144.24 minutes.
-----, The Cosmic Conspiracy, Adventures Unlimited Press, 1994, 256p. Revised edition.
-----, The Cosmic Conspiracy, Adventures Unlimited Press, 3rd edition, 1996, 271p.
-----, The Cosmic Conspiracy, Millenium Edition, 2002.
-----, Free Energy and the Technology of the New Order [presentation], Eyes on Cinema, YouTube, 5 December 2024, duration: 77.07 minutes. A lecture on anti-gravity at Roswell.
-----, The Cosmic Conspiracy, Deyo Enterprises, 2010, 300p. Final edition. Author - Harold Stanley Deyo Jnr.
-----, Renowned UFO Expert Stan Deyo, Slacker82alpha podcast, 18 July 2024, duration: 127.03 minutes. Interview.
Stearman, Gary and Mondo Gonzales, Stan Deyo: Time and the Garden, [TV segment], Prophecy Watchers, 16 March 2015, YouTube, duration: 11.07 minutes.
-----, Stan Deyo: The Cosmic Conspiracy [TV segment], Prophecy Watchers, 14 April 2015.
-----, The Garden of Eden [TV segment], Prophecy Watchers, 22 April 2025.
Greer. Stephen, Deyo reveals coverup, Stan Deyo / Dr. Stephen Greer UFO Disclosure Project, 2 October 2000, YouTube, duration: 149.51 minutes.
ETs & UFOs : | 1971 Australian File | Bibliography | Cate Chassé | Elena Danaan | Events, film and books | F.W. Birmingham, Parramatta Park, Australia 1868 | Flying saucer South Korea | Flying Saucers over Australia 1950 | Martin Sharp, LSD & UFOs | Maria Orsic | Mayan Alien & UFO hieroglyphs | MH370 | Mount Zeil, Australia | Mussolini's UFO 1933 | Origins | Philippe Mora | Shirley UFO 1952 | Space Force | Stan Deyo 1970s | TR-3B | TR-3B Chronology | UFOs, Aliens and the Vatican + References | Wilson/Davis transcript 2002 | Zero Point Energy |
Last updated: 9 January 2025
Michael Organ, Australia
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